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Everything posted by Elizabeth

  1. It would make sense if her overall story made sense. She is claiming BOTH abuse and rape and that people (Sony) knew. But originally claims no one knew as she hid it. She claims that he drugged her but will not give a month, or even year. She claims she told her doctor, yet a doctor has duty of care especially for these cases and would have reported it, she claims she has medical records yet will not release them, she claims abuse but even by her own words her and Dr Luke HAVE NOT been in the same room for more than a handful of days over the last few years. How was he then abusing her? Phonecall, texts all leave traces. There have also always been other people in the room when this alleged abuse has happened from Max Martin to Cirkut to Benny Blanco, Elliphant all either not saying anything at all all or saying let her go not because he is guilty but as it is easier. Even people supporting Kesha where are they now?? Savan Kotecha who is big on womens issues worked with Kesha, says NOTHING. Dr Luke is powerful but not so much to put fear in even Max Martin. She was asked about it in a deposition as she has tried the SAME tactic before to get out of paying someone, her manager. It backfired just like this case. It also makes no sense as why would Pebe then be able to claim she knew all along but be sending letter proclaiming her happiness with Dr Luke and flat out denying rape in a depo. What really set me off was Kesha still has Dr Luke as a twitter follower, and everything in the story is just odd. And stems more from a known industry fact Dr Luke 'cheats' artists but he does it legally. He is sort of like a young Clive Davis. He knows music law and as executive producer assigns shares, but that is legal and NOT rape.
  2. No she is BRAND new, her role out is going to be insane allegedly. This is what Dr Luke is up to currently, that and running his prescription records.
  3. Yep, any record label is better than Sony they have been even accepting bribes to get signed. It is madness. Yep, I have so much tea on this industry but do not wish to be accused as messy or get people in the site on trouble with 'the cleaners'.
  4. Because Sony is a company it is not ONE person, Luke is an intermiddary of sorts, and it is not they are holding her album back they will wait till the movie she is in is released it will probably be released in the same week. The movie and her album .
  5. Nope, you have not heard of her another mega pop star is coming and she will be on Britney Spears level of debut with Mariahs original vocals, she is going to slay and she will be black No one outside the industry knows her this is what I was told.
  6. okay, he let Sabi and Bonnie Mckee go as they were actually signed to his label. It is sort of hard to explain but I will try- Dr Luke does not actually own the label as part of a deal he got with Sony he gets paid like 100 million for his services exclusively for 5 years and the ability to develop artists. He owns them on a production contract , 360 deal which sees him getting money from everything they do. Similar to Beluga heights and Jason derulo deal it is NOT a gender thing. This company is called Kasz Money. He then gets publishing (songwriting) thorugh his publishing company prescription BUT the actual masters and copyright is owned by sony. The Albums are distributed by Sony. They get a large chunk see how an album is priced. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-23840744 He gets more money than a regular producer but cannot just terminate the contract as it was built on a joint venture deal with Sony. This deal has not been really profitable for Sony with Miley wrecking ball putting him in the good books. Sony has lost money with Dr Luke and are angry at the matter. That is the background. Originally when this story broke Sony WAS going to force Dr Luke to give up Kesha and this is what they wanted. This whole media campaign was orchestrated by someone bigger than Pebe, Kesha e.t.c and someone who worked in Sony.Geragos is actually a Sony lawyer keep that in mind. Employees at Sony were basically taking the p*** of the whole situation and at the beginning sort of threw Luke under the bus. Look at wiki leaks . What originally would have happened would Kesha would leave Dr Lukes label and go straight up under Sony. They would be making the money and it would secure a prime asset as the deal for Dr Luke is set to expire. Kesha renegaded on the deal and started suing Sony as she got public support. This backfired and Sony nipped everything in the bud. Kesha has a case for being released from her contract through filing for bankruptcy but has not been advised this?? I wonder why? Meanwhile Geragos Keshas lawyer after 'botching' her case was given a tv show Notorius by Micheal Lynton a friend Of Dr Lukes who not only had a daughter who interned at Kemosabe, but has eaten dinner with each others houses. This case has entirely been about money and Sony is known to throw people whoever they are under the bus to serve this. Look at Tommy Mottolla and MJ scandal or what he did to Mariah. Any other questions just ask.
  7. Also not that simple I will be back soon to explain but basically he has little control in the WHOLE matter.
  8. Okay, I sort of get it but with Becky G it does not really work like that she sort of flopped, and Dr Luke / label is prepping for a new star to be released just before Christmas 'allegedly' she is mixed from Cali and known in the industry but not known the outsiders.
  9. That is great you are rooting for the underdog that is DR LUKE, great to hear.
  10. 'look forward to pissing you off more in the future' Do you not have better things to do in your life , like have a career.? Why would I have any feelings towards America? It is not the center of the universe. The only person being childish is yourself as you are yet to provide any evidence , explanation for the lack of evidence on Dr luke supposedly raping Kesha. Rape , happens in this industry and so crying wolf too many times is a dangerous game. My major fear is 5 years from now when an ACTUAL rape case occurs within Hollywood nothing will be done as to many entertainers are lying now and make it obvious as hell.
  11. Thanks and hello to you.
  12. No you responded to me I spoke facts, and why would I honour fallen Americans. I am NOT American. You come out with rubbish and when this is corrected you get mad , the same celebs that came out in support where are they now.? Nowhere, why because they had agendas Gaga stopped supporting Kesha after her single flopped as predicted, Zedd predictably tried to make money of a scandal.
  13. And she is credited as a producer. Pop songwriters are exactly that songwriters not producers as then I would say songwriter they get a beat and fill it.
  14. You do not need to be the FBI, you just need 2 brain cells to see her story is exactly that a story. Even her die hard fans can present no shred of evidence with claims as LARGE as Keshas you would assume you would get something but nope.
  15. Fan fic where? The transcript of the court documents itself outed her as well as the deposition where she DENIES being raped. FACTS. Give me ONE piece of evidence from her outlandish claims that support her claims then great .
  16. Yet you cannot come up with any facts to back it up. ?????
  17. And the transcript itself ON TOP of her 0 pieces of proof for her outlandish claims really seals the deal.
  18. The case itself was even more ridiculous she continually contradicted herself claimed there were witnesses this was not backed up, claimed she had medical evidence but would not provide it and the doctors themselves refused to confirm it (Doctors have a legal duty to report abuse), Her story changed continually and then swore in a deposition that he did not rape her. Pebe even claimed she KNEW all along yet was writing letters professing how much Dr Luke was part of the family. Emails sent to him prior to the allegations actually said if you do not my daughter out of a contract I will tell everyone you raped my daughter. That is extortion and would not happen if it was actually true or if there was any proof.
  19. What conspiracy theory? Facts be facts.
  20. Thanks , and nice to meet you.
  21. Okay, just gonna tell you something I have been a victim of rape and I maybe projecting but the way she acted through the years does not come across like this., Dr Luke never raped Kesha her story does not add up. There are rapists in Hollywood and that is what really bothers me in this situation. Usually in Hollywood and the music industry rape is not really handled in this way. Look at Polanski convicted rapist charged , but runs away everyone has forgotten and people tend to defend his actions. R kelly another one got off lightly.Cee Lo Green , Mike Tyson.e.t.c The reality is THE only time you will see someone with money and power go down is because they either 1. pissed off someone with more money or power or 2. they're taking the fall for bigger people. To say their is no proof in rape is also a FLAT out lie their is ALWAYS proof in rape it just tends not to be beyond reasonable doubt needed for a prosecution or conviction. For example being left incontinent as the trauma such as anal tearing is too much, phone records with phone activity placing you at the time and place as the said victim, mental health issues happening immediately after. I still feel unexplained shooting pains from nearly 5 years ago. When under medication I accidently told my gp for example. She cannot even state dates or even a month of when these alleged attacks happened. She claims it happened after a party TWICE so it would be easy to piece together whereabouts. I remember month, year as if it was yesterday. She is trying to get out of a CONTRACT with SONY NOT with Dr luke with a really feeble excuse that she would not be promoted as much. The truth is within the industry you can be really good but you need someone repping for you, she stands to gain alot from this aswell as her contract did not allow her to really profit. The celebs supporting her also have ulterior motives Demi Lovato: was supposed to get a song that was given to a competitor. Understand market share in pop music is small so getting rid of Dr luke would allow her to have increasing share for her demographic. The question should be asked if she truly believed rape had occurred would she be calling Taylor Swift for donating money for the cause?? No this is about image, Demi Lovato was mad at Dr. Luke for giving away a hit to another latina Lady gaga had a single to sell till it happens to you. Ironically she has done a duet with a man known to be a sexual predator and pedophile R kelly and believe was charged with 22 counts of child pornography. Lena Dunham who has lied about herself being raped to stay relevant and sell a book and has used this incident to promote her website blog. Producers including Jack Antonoff and Zedd who are like z list music producers who would gain financially via streaming e.t.cand yes Zedd and Antonoff are z - list producers just because you work with a few big names does not make you A list producers and in music there is NO middle management. They are definately NOT the most successful by a long shot. Zedd although young is unimaginative and was even called out by Diplo for having an album that lacked imagination. Antonoff worked with but has yet to executive produce another major artists album and is in his 30s. That is the real sign of a Super-producer not working with few people. Having the power to designate publishing shares and so on. not making a couple of singles. Anyone can do that, where is Lex Luger he was producing for Kanye and Jay Z -but where is he now? the ones who have gone against him have has issues with him and blame him for their albums flopping i.e Demi Lovato for not giving her a single, fat shaming certain artists such as Charli XCX, being arrogant, taking publishing e.t.c. BUT THAT is NOT rape. Why would all these celebs who are singers support Kesha when they have NOT worked with him? or even met him long enough. Especially as the evidence points in the opposite direction. Tegan and Sara, Amanda Palmer, Ed Sheran, Grimes, and Janelle Monae When have they worked with DR LUKE???
  22. If you signed a contract stating that an amount of money invested with mean you will get a % of future sales, how is that fraud? No one scammed her when they put a signature on a paper. She chose to do it with the guidance of her mother who worked in the industry. Allegedlly he mentally abused her and allegedly raped her however she filed no criminal complaints, her doctors do not support the claim or any other witnesses allegedly there. Her choice to leave is entirely up to but why should he lose money he has earned just because you steal from a billionaire does not make that theft any more right.
  23. So I am new to this site and would like to introduce myself. As you can see by my name I am Elizabeth and from the UK in my early twenties. How about you guys?
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