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Everything posted by Elizabeth

  1. Nope as the rumours have circulated for months, and years damaging her brand yet she never sues. Demi Lovato a close friend followed a similar route needing to go to rehab constantly then finally admitted to being a drug addict. And it explains a lot, more than lupus would.
  2. RAP GAME TEA: Kanye - Apparently his album was finished and turned in early/mid December. However, his label (Roc Nation I believe?) refuse to release it until there's hype around the album and/or he gets a hit as they believe no one is checking for Kanye anymore and his sales won't be adequate. He thought he had a hit with "Only One", especially after the video dropped as he thought everybody would be running to see a video with him and North together (yes, she is basically used as a prop to help out her parents when needed) but it flopped. That is why he is suddenly clinging onto and name dropping other stars (Drake, Taylor Swift, Rihanna) as he is hoping they will help him gain a bit of hype. No, he is not completely crazy and the whole Grammy's debacle was just him trying to get his name in the spotlight once again. Kanye is no different from the Kardashian's, any publicity is good publicity to him. Also, allegedly he has a few money issues right now, which is why he's desperate for this album to be a success. Ye and Kim Ks' their wedding is a business arrangement. But I didn't know it was this deep. Many of Ye's close friends and family members will not be there. He did not invite his closest cousin but he had the nerve to invite all these random designers that hate his guts. One of his family mbers (Ricky) has been shading the hell out of ms. Kim who still has ex with her exes. Yes you read that right, she still fucks that football player. Ye knows and doesnt care. I was told that Ye picked out her dress for their greek inspired wedding. Ye believes that he and Kimbo's relationship is a greek tragedy that will be written about in history books. Ye wanted to get back with Lexy (Old heads know Ms. Phifer) back in 2011, they were talking again but we that paycheck he got from the devil must have been hefty. Oh and that house they 'built' will never be finished because he spends most of his money on paying exes to keep sex secrets , secret 'deals', his horrible fashion line in which he steals all his ideas from J3rry L0renzo Manuel, and he funds Virgil's collections because he believes that if he helps out him, he will be accepted. Kimbo doesnt spend her money on anything, allegedly she said that her money is hers and that she is entitled to his funds. Best believe he will file for bankruptcy soon. Most of his original team has separated themselves from him because he has turned into a hateful monster that is always high and spitting out delusions. By the way, his last couple of albums just used leftovers from his previous albums with touchups . He doesnt write his lyrics as much, Sean doesnt want to be on his writing team anymore. He forced Cyhi to cancel all his engagements to help touch up on this album. He went from having Rhymefest write for him to begging up and coming rappers like Young Thug to write his songs. he needs help for the molly and coke and to get help. Drake - Drake is not well liked within the industry at all. He is not the nice guy he leads you all to believe and is very arrogant but he is definitely very smart. He also drinks a lot and he seems to rarely be sober. He knows who to mess with and who not to mess with and has made sure he's kept all the top executives on his side. The majority of the rap game don't like him and talk a lot of shit behind his back as they feel he's fake and they don't like the monopoly he has on the game right now, however, they are quick to run for him for features as they know he's their best chance of getting a hit right now. Him and Chris are definitely not friends and there's still tension between the two (more so on Chris' side I believe) and the whole making up thing was just a way of getting publicity. As much as y'all don't like Chris he is actually quite well liked within the "urban" music circles and a few people such as Diddy are definitely siding with Chris. They don't like the way he throws subliminal shots and then tries to act all innocent. It is also well known the Jay also isn't the biggest fan of Drake right now. Let's just say that there are quite a few people praying on his downfall and if he keeps going the way he is now he's going to find himself getting blackballed very soon. And don't think that's impossible, much bigger artists than Drake have fallen in the past.
  3. ONE DIRECTION> Am editing and writing sorry for spelling and stuff, enjoy Zayn Malik is the actual ho of the group NOT Harry Styles. He was trying to get with a girl when at BBC and still with that lil mix girl. Harry Styles is gay and there are pics of him kissing his boyfriend. I have a deleted text convo confirming this. He and Perrie were never a real couple. They got together because they were under the same management and they wanted 1D to promote Little Mix. was told to "pick" between Perrie, Leigh-Anne, and Jade (Jesy's a little bigger & they wanted her to lose weight first). was actually gonna go for Jade or Leigh-Anne, but then Perrie's dad (who has some pull in the music industry) stepped in and got it for Perrie. Perrie and Zayn probably hooked up a few times but otherwise he was free to hang out with groupies as long as the groupies were picked out by management (aka pretty & discreet) When Perrie was gonna buy a house for her mom, management offered to pay the down payment if they could release the story that " he buys a home for Perrie's mom!" In reality, not a penny of his coins went to his fake gf's mom's house. When he quit 1D it was NOT an impulsive decision. He had been talking to tons of people in the industry, gauging how much interest there would be for his solo run and whatnot. Perrie and ZAyn had to keep up their facade for a little longer because still had contracts to fulfill and he would stand to lose even MORE money if he broke it off earlier. I'm not gonna pretend to know whether or not Perrie had feelings for him, I don't have any connection to her at all I can't tell you whether or not he's doing drugs because my cousins can only talk to his sisters, and they say that he has never even had a sip of alcohol (they're very naive girls) And lastly, is super nice in real life. He has donated a LOT of money to charity over the years, but it often wasn't publicized because his management wanted Harry to be the main guy so was always relegated to the background. Basically, Leona and Liam have been hooking up since last year. It started at this dinner that Simon Cowel invited them to. It was pretty much stale news by the time it the press and they have both moved on. It is a bit of a PR nightmare for 1 direction management because they have been told to show more *ahem* diversity with the women they date or their "celebrity crushes". At the time, was just coming out of his relationship with Rebecca - older, black/mixed race woman. So, Liam publicly dating another older, black/mixed race woman was not good for their fan base. It is also the reason why they have been told to the press to stop asking them questions about "celeb crushes". If you notice in this interview they mention mostly black women as their crushes? [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=53-ZBJf4lpc]One Direction reveal their celebrity crushes (Harry and Kate Upton) - YouTube[/ame] Like a month after that they release their list of banned questions with "Celeb Crushes" on top of the list.
  4. That is NOT what happened, Rita Ora did cheat with Jay Z I assure you this I am from the UK. She told her cousin, and took a photo of her in bed with Jay Z and sent it to Drake. When she wanted to get out of her contract she threatened to release the photo hence why Beyonce released Lemonade and had to alter certain parts and the main reason why it was released so far after the superbowl. She wanted to protect her image and brand of being a 'perfect ' and control the narrative of the Rita Ora spill. This is the reason Rita Ora did not pay the million and so pounds of her contract dispute. She blackmailed them then backed off when she saw the reaction.
  5. Nope, when there were secret tapes of Justin Bieber being racist they were not released until far later as Scooter pleaded with TMZ and the buyer of the tape was holding out for more money. (blackmailing them)
  6. Yes but she has been caught before doing cocaine by http://radaronline.com/exclusives/2014/06/selena-gomez-justin-bieber-cocaine-tape/ and dropping Es with Kylie Kardashian.
  7. Nope it is due to nipplegate. You could shout out Free Palestine or USA sucks and get the NFL in trouble leading to mega fines.
  8. Her reaction at the VMAs was warranted , Miley had no business inserting herself into anything. She constantly does this then plays innocent little lamb to get out of taking responsibility. She does it for attention mainly as her star has faded. She did it to Mariah Carey just recently in an interview.
  9. Fleur can barely be noticed uk side this is a bad move.
  10. You are from Mexico? WOW, what is popular over there? music wise
  11. If anything it proves Amber lied as she explictily said the tape showed him hitting her. I cannot see that.
  12. I believe she has there is a whole website called lets expose Selena, radar magazine have also exposed her going to rehab.
  13. See this is why it confuses me as Scooter Braun is her management and he tends to be very good but thanks for taking the time to explain everything.
  14. To be fair Kiiara did have an internet explosion.
  15. Yep, this is what she always does, there is a whole website called lets expose Selena which outs her. They claim it is for addiction which I somewhat believe as she does not exhibit signs of lupus.
  16. To me she does , when Rihanna does it can look good but Britney for me , it just seems odd.
  17. Why does Carly do so bad??
  18. She has already started, and she usually releases an album a year so seems legit.
  19. I cannot understand the appeal of seeing a middle aged mother of 2 dressing like a stripper , but that is me. The whole concept is a bit too much sexually.
  20. Can we have an "extreme" tea thread, please ?? I am a messy bish living for the drama of it all, having a long thread posting conspiracy theories on celebs , blinds , gossip, d*** pics and all sorts. We could use words like allegedly , and supposedly to limit legal repurcussion. @Countess It is a good idea no?
  21. Thanks and the reason why I lumped Akon with Max was becuase he has says NOTHING on him but what I find extremely odd is Pebe accused Max of allowing abuse WITH Luke. Then after saying this stopped saying Max was present. It was even posted on here http://fotpforums.com/topic/122521-pebe-spills-the-tea-about-max-martin/
  22. How is it KP6 it is KP5. ???
  23. It will be Rihanna, Gaga has less than a month to promote her album and the first track did poorly. Britney is so so and Katy Perry is a 1 trick pony relying on the same producers since her debut.
  24. Receipts as requested: Sorry if this is a mess as there are sooo many receipts from the timeline not even adding up it is hard to know what you are requesting. As I said before it was the timeline that is throwing me off. She claims the rape occurred in 2009 yet STILL signed the contracts a twitter timeline She then describes the way the song’s success affected her prospects: “I got multiple record-contract offers, but ultimately decided to go with Dr. Luke’s label, Kemosabe Records, at RCA Records.” Dr Luke states he and Kesha are not in contact - http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2013/10/14/the-doctor-is-in Billboard cover story about the star, published February 2010: “Just 18 months ago, swanning down this or any red carpet would’ve been unimaginable for Kesha Rose Sebert. She had no major record deal, no manager, and she was estranged from the producer who discovered her, Dr. Luke. […] she rarely worked with or even spoke to Luke.” In her complaint Upon arriving in Los Angeles, Ms. Sebert soon realized that Dr. Luke was not the mentor he represented himself to be and the opportunities were not what he had promised they would be… Dr. Luke provided no time, guidance, or support for Ms. Sebert’s music career, ultimately leaving her career to languish. Pebe to billboard claimed the abuse was ongoing and thorughout , non stop. Kesha also states this as a reason for the delay in her second album as it was supposed to be released a year after her first. http://www.billboard.com/articles/news/magazine-feature/6980931/kesha-dr-luke-battle-inside-story-mom-pebe-sebert-interview-exclusive From Max Martin, to Cirkut to Benny Blanco, Akon Elliphant all either not saying anything at all all or saying let her go not because he is guilty but as it is easier. But that does not make sense as they would be involved. Even people supporting Kesha where are they now?? Savan Kotecha who is big on womens issues worked with Kesha, says NOTHING. Akon speaking up and look at twitters.
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