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Everything posted by Elizabeth

  1. I copy and paste as I am exceptionally conscious of my writing skills. I only copy and paste things I can verify as fact through film footage, oral sources. For example some elements of the Wendy Williams tea edited out as it cannot be verified through any evidence such as police reports e.t.c I have taken the time to edit pieces and put them in one section looking for evidence or seeing if the story actually fits a decent timeline. From the Kesha scandal to Cheryl Cole having a 'baby.' I am not a professional blogger neither do I claim to be, I am not being paid for this neither am I an admin. If I had my own section maybe, but this is more of chit chat forum tea spill nothing more. Only SOME elements do I have sources and I clearly state this i.e Adele my ex music teacher. Rita Ora, Cheryl Cole I had a beauty school teacher who has served them both. I also contribute A LOT to sites like Lipstick alley and am an active member, blogs usually steal from lipstick alley once heavily verified to avoid being sued NOT the other way round. For example R kellys new girlfriend.
  2. Charlotte Church was a child 'prodigy' opera singer.
  3. That is because those things have been CONFIRMED, I am also on lipstick alley and have been posting on that site with numerous people. I did edit certain parts which have been found not to be true. And With Wendy I never said I was close with her I said it was tea, DIFFERENCE. I would never be that foolish to expose a celebrity which few people know certain facts of. I would also try not to use my own wording as to incriminate myself. I also never said I did not quote gossip sites, I just verify facts first only certain elements came from sources such as Adele's age from an ex music teacher who went to the Brits school with her, Rita Ora tea from mostly beauticians and make up artists , Cheryl Cole tea from similar sources. I actually quoted many gossip sites such letsexposeselena, you can sip the tea or move along your own choice. No one forces you to read. BYE.
  4. No she is not really that bright from what I can gather , I do not think she finished school and you can tell from when she tried to lie in the Australian dog fiasco , and her poor photoshop skills she does not think everything through.
  5. Nope she was not, otherwise she would show her whole face now wouldn't she. I assure you she is being messy as usual.
  6. I will be making a monthly tea leak of celebs. Will be on holiday and come back next week so look forward for the requests.
  7. Jason Flom the man who scouted Katy Perry, Lorde is on reddit AMA offering career advice and answering questions. https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/commen..._lava_records/ Sorry if this is the wrong thread but hurry as unsure how long it will go on for. Good luck.
  8. Go look on youtube ,and her tour barely sold. It is mistly smoke and mirrors. And can't be tamed had her in a cage. About 40k seats STILL went unsold. Her last tour was doing 2500 people and she could not even fill that up. You look at everything touring, album sales, singles the latter two heavily inflated by streaming. http://www.forbes.com/sites/jesselawrence/2014/02/19/amidst-mixed-review-and-controversy-miley-cyrus-tickets-for-bangerz-tour-selling-for-below-faceprice-in-several-cities/#79ff934d36ee We can agree to disagree but this is someone supposed to be in their PEAK!!!
  9. Mariah has been going strong for 27 years , and Miley does MAJOR promo for these sales. Mariah did not do any promo for the album that sold 300k worldwide. AFTER 27 years. No gimmicks, no tongue sticking out. Just released the album. She did like 3 events to promote #beautiful. Then filled every stadium in China making her the first Western artist to do this. THis is a major reason Miley has not released an album there is little demand, with Miley Cyrus and her dead petz clowned to extinction. She is not relevant she is infamous, with most comments about her wearing reavealing clothes NOT the music. It is like saying the Kardashians are relevant they are famous/infamous but NOT relevant.
  10. Madonna illegally adopted her child David was outed by Angelina Jolie. Pot ,kettle Black.
  11. Wendy -Apparently Wendy is in an abusive marriage and is afraid of her controlling husband which is why she goes along with everything he says. - Wendy's bedroom is soundproof so her son won't hear her getting her ass whooped. Her son walked in her on her having sex with her husband. She said maybe next time he'll learn to knock but could not hear what they were doing. - Kimberly Jones said she sucked up biggie back in the day In the radio days she used to have a booker named Nicole. Anyways she ended up suing Wendy after being fired and in her court docs she did say that Kevin was very abusive and she witnessed many occasions when he abused her. I also remember her saying that he propositioned her and she was appalled and spoke to Wendy about it, and if memory serves me correctly Wendy kind of had the attitude that she didn't care or he was free to do what he wanted. It's been a while. I remember TMZ had posted those court document on their website. http://sandrarose.com/2008/03/tmz-posts-wendy-williams-complaint-documents-online/ I guarantee you Wendy feels trapped in that marriage because that worthless man knows all her secrets. He has become accustomed to living a certain lifestyle and doesn't want to give up the perks. He's a bum. Wendy was an up and coming star on the rise and she settled for a bum who refused to even pull up his pants when he met her parents. - She pretends to have miscarried 8 times but really just had abortions. 8 X it came out with a radio interview back in the day she tried to go in on a guy called Mathis he outed her like crazy. - She was a druggie and a hip hop groupie.
  12. No she is not relevant and her album before bangerz FLOPPED, Mariah is a star like no other who can still stadiums in Asia. Just because she not selling millions of albums does NOT maker her a has been.
  13. To make him jealous she was OBSESSED with Rihanna and being like her. Drake was not that into her and she thought it would get his attention. It did not she is also really messy. She put a post on Instagram after getting a 'facial' (sex). She is the MESSIEST celeb ever and a major reason for her having so much money/jobs lined up is escorting.
  14. okay am going to bed now will do everything tomorrow...leave celeb wish list will be back soon.
  15. She is lying about being vegan, she was caught on reddit by a delivery sushi man. [–]redditslilgirlfriend 7 points 2 hours ago I'm a delivery courier for high profile people. I don't like when people lie about being vegan (since I'm one myself). I delivered sushi to her two weeks ago. Maybe this is a very recent thing. I hope it is. Eitherwise, she is lying to the whole vegan community... [–]Ape1 4 points an hour ago So what, I eat avocado maki rolls every second week or so (no fish or anything like that, only avocado, nori and rice) [–]redditslilgirlfriend 4 points 57 minutes ago I also eat avocado rolls. Very delicious. She ordered a Trust Me order from Sugar Fish here in Studio City, which consists of blue crab, yellowtail, halibut, snapper, albacore tuna sushi. I handed her the order and she signed for it. It definitely could've been for a friend, but I'm not sure why the friend would've signed for her credit card, but it may have happened that way.
  16. I am not dragging anyone I just have tea, I have some on Tinashe, Selena Gomez think bigger as it becomes easier.
  17. Which other celebs are you interested in like and tell me?
  18. Beyonce, Rihanna and the DREAM tea/ lemonade tea: The dream a producer was dating Sarah who would speak about everything the dream was talking about to others - this is a major reason the Dream got sacked and is now working with Tinashe. -Rih really was shook over Teyana Taylor she is scared she might take her place. -The dream hates hates Neyo and Mike Will Made It -The Dream likes two fingers up his ass when getting head and an occasional rim job. He fleets. He doesn't like to use condoms. He thinks she on the bc shot. Sarah his gal lets him go raw because she wants a baby by him even though she said he might be gay. She's risking her health for a check. -he's obsessed with Jay and Bey and creepily brings them up all the time. He obnoxiously calls and texts them in front of her to impress her. "Oh I forgot to reply to Bey. She had me cracking up the other day." kinda stuff. -Bey is the reason that her and Jay have distanced themselves from Kanye because she does not like having to fake it with Kim. The whole clique (mainly Solo) calls Kim Gladys as in a Glad trash bag. Jay has tried to make her come around, but this is one thing she has put her foot down about. -Bey and Jay do in fact have threesomes but only with people who have as much to lose as they do. A couple of their regulars are Kelly . I almost barfed because I always heard that Matthew was Kelly's daddy too. -He knows for a fact that Jay has sexed Kelly when Bey wasn't around which is against their rules, he did this with Rita ora also. -Terius thinks Bey had a surrogate as well, but he won't say anything because he doesn't wanna offend her or lose his status with them a la Kanye. -Rihanna and Jay did and still do sleep together. Bey does not speak to her unless it's necessary which is why she goes out of her way to never be around her. She smiles when necessary but rolls her eyes to whoever is looking. -Bey and Rih have had SEVERAL heated exchanges in front of people about trivial shit like reality shows. eg Bey says that Kenya was wrong for flirting with Apollo. Rih was having a separate conversation but made a point to say Apollo should have been paying attention to his wife. Next thing you knowthe gloves are off. -Terius said that Christina milian is a bad mom who doesn't take care of herself. Doesn't like her new fiance always being around Violet. -He jokes about knocking my friend up Sarah all the time. He is obsessed with babies when they're little and says that as long as he can afford them, he'll keep having them. - he wants Nivea back. He talks on the phone with her for a long time after he talks to their kids. She said it's not romantic stuff, but just like best friends talking. -He thinks Jay cheats on Bey because he knows she ain't going nowhere. He's on some "knock her down a peg or two" type stuff. Bey is not as confident as she seems and she self-depreciates a lot to make everyone around her laugh. He said she's really silly and has a great sense of humor. Rita Ora was becky with the good hair and took a photo of her and Jay in bed together she threatened to expose it. Beyonce wanted to control the narrative so released lemonade.
  19. Adele proof my ex-music teacher was in the Brits school with Adele. My teacher is in her 30's(32) and Adele is claiming to be 28, which is not true. Yep my ex-music teacher was 32 so it is highly possible Adele is 33. I just know she is not 28 as she claims. She also got kicked out of the Brit School as she was always late, never in. FYI : You guys doubting just to put this in perspective she would be 4 years younger than Amy Winehouse. Jessie J also outed ALL their ages looking for a come up. Many news reports she claims she was classmates with BOTH Amy Winehouse and Adele. Amy would be 33. http://www.deccanchronicle. com/enter...hoolmates.ht ml She is also lying about this imaginary boyfriend she writes music about
  20. Celeb ages: Adele being 28 but 32. Another British celeb lying about her age is Kiera Knightly who is 38. She was outed as she bashed a school she went near me for not helping her with dyslexia. The local school went to the newspaper outraged as they really did help her. Others I have sussed as can remember them before they blew up areJulia Roberts unsure of her age but every 3- 5 years she knocks of like a year.http://hollywoodlife.com/2013/12/10/...sized-sweater/in 2013 she was 46 but she is only 48 now. For example. Below are people who have been accused by multiple reputable sources.Aziz Ansari is really 35. He’s been getting a younger for his bday for 3 years now. Ne-Yo claims to be 35 but is really close to 45. Alicia Keys 'allegedly' is 6 years older she wrote for Christina Aguilera on the stripped album. Clive thought was smart to market her younger to make her piano skills seem better. This is why she fell off as she got older her prodigy title slipped. Have anymore feel free to add. Kiera knightly mirror.co.uk, fashion blogs. She was not 17 in pirates of the Carribean or 16 in bend it like Beckham. Nagra her co-star is nearing 40, they were roughly the same age not TEN years younger. That is obvious.
  21. I asked Countess for an extreme tea thread and was allowed to start one. You can add certain things if wanted.
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