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  1. can you believe y'all were dragging her like this but she made one of the best albums of 2017
  2. Skam US is gonna flop! bookmark me
  3. Speaking of regret my biggest regret in LIFE is not going to the Electra Heart Tour... So iconic and it was a once in a lifetime opportunity. I went to see her at a festival during her FROOT tour though.
  4. Was highkey hoping for a Season 5 so Vilde could main. It was be their russ year and we know how excited she was for that... oh well. Maybe we'll occasionally get some instagram / text updates from them just to make sure they're doing well and are happy.
  5. Today we found out that Sana will main S4 and also that S4 is the last season of SKAM.. Very sad.
  6. Did anyone start watching this show since this thread started? Want to hear opinions!
  7. Sorry for being late but, Happy Birthday honey! <3

    1. Honeymoon


      Saw this late but thanks babe <3

  8. its a reality tv show based off of the movie/board game Clue. It's sooo good. Pretty sure you can find full episodes on YouTube still.
  9. Harry styles is coming gays
  10. this thread didn't to deserve to flop! they're so good
  11. Polaroid Memories is the Sophomore album by the Swedish band Urban Cone. I just got into them and they are not known at all! Really wanna know what you guys think of them! I love them. They also have a song with Tove Lo on this album! Tracklist: 1. Weekends 2. New York 3. We Are Skeletons 4. Come Back to Me (ft Tove Lo) 5. You Build Your House Out Of Cards 6. Rocketman 7. Robot Love 8. Treasure 9. Sadness Disease 10. It's Hard To Hate Someone You Love 11. Never Gonna See You Again (YouTube Playlist of Album)
  12. I linked a google drive with all of season one in an earlier reply! edit: didn't notice you said season 3: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0BwFz57rumLLRNENGMHg0OEIzZ1U
  13. #TeamAja btw
  14. SHOOK
  15. That may be it! But I used to have a drive with full length episodes so idk. I still don't really know how the real time episode thing works haha
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