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Impossible Ryan

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Everything posted by Impossible Ryan

  1. Pokemon Go is more addictive than I thought it would be. For some reason I feel like I can't get good pokemon though lol like literally my top 3 are 840, 540, and 389. My sister always gets better ones than me and it pisses me off lol
  2. I just think overall, that single would never do that we'll because it isn't that commercial. It would have been better as a closing of the era single than 2nd single. She should have put out Body Ache, Tik Tik Boom (with different arrangements and production and vocal takes), and Now That I Found You probably would have done well
  3. With Britney Jean, I would keep the tracklist but different producers on most of the songs to get rid of the dated sound. Also, bye will.i.am. and MORE PROMO. Work Bitch and Perfume deserved better. For Madonna's Music I would get rid of WIFLFAG single and release Impressive Instant instead (don't care for the song but it was ahead of its time and would have gotten more attention), then maybe Amazing or something else, then close the era with Gone
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