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Everything posted by IntoYouu

  1. But if that hoe breaks his heart, Imma break her spine
  2. Decided to post it Enjoy!
  3. I'm so sorry to hear that, been there... But time will heal all the wounds, believe me. I'm sure you'll find that one special person!
  4. thanks so much! I have an E.T. mix too, but I don't know if I should post it
  5. Something I did a while ago, but I felt kinda anxious posting it here. Anyways, here you go and I hope you'll like it
  6. Well, from all of those I only watched Agent Carter, but I wasn't a huge fan of it. I'm glad that the shows I actually enjoy weren't cancelled.
  7. Kim is incredibly talented, she will bring a new light into drag. Yes, she is messy sometimes, but it's cute imo. :3
  8. What the fuck is this mess... they need to chill. This icon looks so basic
  9. I do have many friends, but they sometimes make stupid jokes about gay people and it irritates me a bit. Tbh, I think my mother knows that I'm "different". Once she said that I should find a girlfriend and I responded "what if I wanted a boyfriend?", and she said that it's my choice. What's a green card btw, because here I just need a passport to get to the US. And yesss we sure have to, hunty. And then we can have group sex.
  10. I personally try to find 320 kbps mp3, the quality satisfies me a lot. There is m4a, amazing quality as well, but most audio programs don't support it, so it's a no for me (m4a are smaller than mp3 files, that's a plus). The best are obviously .wav and .flac, you get the best quality out of those. And again audio programs support .wav's, but most dont support .flac, so I try avoiding it. The easiest to get are obviously mp3's, everyone uses that format because every single device/program is able to open it. My advice would be that if you don't use audio programs and you want to have more disk space, then go for m4a. But if you're into programs, then choose mp3/wav. From my personal experience I can tell you that not many people use flac, whenever they get a flac file, they usually convert it to wav. I hope I helped at least a bit
  12. That's good that you have such a group of people around you. I have only one friend here that actually knows everything about me, I don't trust others that much. And btw, I'm still planning to move somewhere else, probably the US.
  13. I live in the UK, but I live in that kind of homophobic region. And you?
  14. It's sometimes really shitty. Falling in love with someone that doesn't feel the same is the worst. And it's hard to find someone here because this place is typically "straight". Like, you know "yo dude, i banged 5 chicks today". The worst part is that I have to pretend 24/7 that I'm straight, otherwise I would have no life But yeah, Internet is my savior here
  15. I really hope so! Thanks though
  16. I've been single all my life. It's hard to find someone, because I'm more of a shy guy and when I'll find someone, I want that person to be the one. And I remember that last year I met one guy, and til this day I can't get him outta my head It's kinda annoying me, because I would love to move on since he feels nothing towards me, but y'all know the heart wants what it wants. I just hope you all will find someone one day
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