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Everything posted by IntoYouu

  1. Happy Birthday hun!! <3 I wish you all the best in life!

  2. I could be the queen, but I'm fine with being in the glee club xo
  3. So accurate and I'm so happy that you picked me for Marina
  4. I've been a huge fan of the first one, I played it for like 2 years trying to get world records on everything. Anybody played the second one? If yes, if it's worth buying? I'm considering it
  5. it's too slow imo
  7. Why is she famous? Oh yeah... as if YouTube didn't help with her career. Pathetic
  8. Yaaassss I loved the part with the rollercoaster. Definitely one of my favourite carpools with James
  9. He seems like that type of person who wants a lot of attention and wants you to keep thinking about him. You found yourself someone else and now he's jealous
  10. that's good if you don't, too many people judge by the looks
  11. you shouldn't pay much attention to the looks...
  12. block his number then
  13. If I could make someone sound like Ariana, I would edit my voice and become a multinational superstar
  14. Thanks! I miss the Kanye rap too, but unfortunately I had to work with what I had
  15. Ikr? The shooting took place a week ago and just now she reacts lol
  16. Yaaassss you look amazing!
  17. I would still fuck the shit outta him
  18. http://theyarefamousandnaked.tumblr.com/post/128267301750/tom-hiddleston-has-a-hammer
  19. I wouldn't mind dating him tho, ik that his dick is big
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