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Everything posted by naecos

  1. I use a Chrome extension but often it doesn't work (probably because the VK staff change the code). Anyway, I have uploaded the folder with also Stardust. Thanks!
  2. Hey! Unfortunately, I'm not really active on this site anymore, but I still receive e-mail updates so here I am. I found the song on VK, like most of the unreleased material I have. This link should work (it's titled as Stardust (Demo)), but you'll probably need to sign up (it's free) . I will try to stay more active here and also upload the Dropbox folder
  3. I added it yesterday because I found it on her BMI page (here). There are no credits for writers or publishing companies
  4. WHATTTTTTTT?!?!?!?!?!??! I totally didn't expect a movie poster to drop! Thank you! Why didn't they use the original logo? This one is HORRIBLE! But Alicia looks STUNNING and I really hope they didn't mess up with the storyline and kept it similar to the original 2013 one. Found this:

    1. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      You're a day too late, peasant! :hottie:

      Just kidding, thanks so much for the birthday wishes booboo! <3 Love you!

  6. Yes I do! I use A LOT r/SongStems/ and sometimes r/megalinks/ , and, if you take a look at the right side of these two sub-reddits, there are a lot of links to other ones
  7. I actually didn't know anything about Charlottesville too, (I knew that something was going on with the Nazi but it was too chaotic) and, shit, really had no idea that there are victims. This is so unfair. And P!nk's song it's amazing in it's simplicity. The music video it's not exactly what I expected but the message it's the same, so, good job P!nk and you, Tweener for this article!
  8. Thank you! Yeah it was kinda my obsession ahaha
  9. I don't know how many of you guys used to watch this cartoon but I found out that there are two soundtracks albums (the songs are the same, in one album they're in French and, in the other, in English). So I remade the two covers (also the logo), and, actually, I am pretty satisfied. The original ones: My remake:
  10. You know, you're a human too, so you have nothing to apologize. I'm really sorry for all the bad stuff in your life and I hope that everything will settle down. If you need help, the community of PHF is ready to help you. And, btw, #PHFisalreadygreat
  11. Thank you so much!
  12. Thank you Yeah it was kinda my goal, like white EVERYWHERE Thanks!
  13. I have just finished this, and I wanted to share the result with all the community of PHF. The album is Utopia (with also Army of Love) by Kerli, let me know what you think. DOWNLOAD: Digital Booklet.pdf
  14. yeah I think it is! And also thank you for the link, this version seems to be in a better quality
  15. ahahaha thank you!
  16. Really? Thanks!
  17. in the style of "hopeless fountain kingdom"
  18. Does anyone know the eras/years of these songs? Stupid Hat Isn't It Funny Broken Flowers What a Wonderful World Stars (Demo) Too Much To Dream (Demo)
  19. I've just found this and I...I...I can't.


    1. Fetish


      shes honestly such a bad performer omg where did the part of me tour katy go? :(

    2. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      I really didn't think she was that bad but that dead crowd is tragic... :tragic:

  20. Oh, well, thank you!
  21. She is really starting to piss me off. And, I totally agree with you, too. The fact that she is saying NOTHING about the album really borther me. She wrote on Instagram that she's "collaborating with so many geniuses" but she reveals NOTHING. She doen't post ANY sneak peak or something about her new music. She doesn't tease us with some photos for the cover art. NOTHING. When it's summer, she better quit her socials for a while, shoot a fucking music video (PLEASE LEGENDS 2.0) and then, in September, release the whole album, 'cause her Moonchildren are really starting to leave her.
  22. Ok, so, that's me..
  23. OMG THAT FONT IT'S PERFECT. Gonna use one of them for sure
  24. I don't know how the ARTPOP era was, but looking at the comparison, to me, the answer is yes. The direction Katy was taking with CttR was really good, and I would have loved a political/critical album, with a kinda of "stay strong, you will rise", but, now, I'm not sure anymore. Everything related to BA seems awful: the cover, the live performance at the Met Gala (costumes, Katy's moves, the meaningless background) and, first of all, the song. The only good point is the whole promotion. I would have preferred, as the second single, a romantic ballad instead of this, or something about "girl power", as she seems to be really taken by that. We still need to wait until the album is out to judge but please Katy, get your shit together and release a good, catchy, meaningful song with an awesome visual
  25. Thank you!
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