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  1. Explain me this then: Jay Tromp – Netherlands | Ron Hagen & Pascal M - Riddles In The Sand Jay Tromp – The Rain | Matt Vasto – Rain Jay Tromp – Outlines | Argentina – Chalk Outlines Jay Tromp – Waves | Addal ft. Neenah – Waves Jay Tromp - Let Me Go | Brainsick ft. Filth Collins - Let Me Go You didn't take SAMPLES, you took the WHOLE SONG and added (original mix) and put it on your "EP"! WHY?? Why do you do these things? The music that you upload is stolen, the pics you upload are stolen, clips... and everyone figured that out. What's the point of your scamming if everyone figured you out?? That you're fake, some wannabe-famous-producer kid. Stop acting like you're someone you'll never be.
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