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Everything posted by mceyedol

  1. There was a 5 track internal sampler cd (probably only for in house use) shown on the ITV2 documentary that showed them working on the tracks with Norwegian producer/writer David Eriksen. They stayed in a recording studio lodge and they were aiming for a Stargate kind of sound.
  2. Thank you for this. It's nothing ground breaking... typically noughties sounding. Nice to have though x
  3. This is fucking stunning work! Wow! Skills there x
  4. Thankyou so much for this! Such an interesting creative upcoming artist x
  5. This is such a bop! Oh my days... hope shes back with more music. xx


  6. mceyedol on LastFm. I scrobble too
  7. What a great idea for a topic I was obsessed with "Sorry Adam". Such a great track and I still listen to it Britney Spears - Sorry Adam (claimed Femme Fatale Sessions) Actual artist was either Myah Marie or Quyen Nguyen? Can anyone confirm?
  8. Beautiful! I'd love to have this vinyl actually pressed :))))
  9. Not fair! Bought tickets to see Mariah in Blackpool and now she announces 3 dates for xmas in the UK. Ahhhhhhh! Cruel world!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. mceyedol


      I saw the Christmas concert last year in London. That's when I did Meet & Greet ;)


    3. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      @mceyedol I remember that! The Skinny Chanteuse looks amazing. :hail: I'm sure she'd be worth seeing again!

    4. Tweener


      Screw it! See her thrice!

  10. I agree. I was so gutted when the Secret Circle was axed. It was epic!
  11. Everybody borrows from everyone in pop music. Very little is original ideas these days.
  12. This is incredible! Any chance you could add Go To Work to the E.P. I do not know why it wasn't included. xx
  13. 25344390_10155856969699043_87174606_o.jpg

    Yesterday I met MARIAH CAREY! xxx

    1. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      OMFG! :yaskween::yaskween::yaskween: Two skinny legends in one photo, I'm actually absolutely SHOOK! How was she boo? I was actually watching videos from the tour the other day and it looked like a really fun show!

    2. liberation


      What an amazing picture! So jealous of you right now :yaskween: 

    3. mceyedol


      You're both too kind. Skinny Legend. Me @Countess? lol I'm just happy I don't look hideous lol

      She was warm, friendly, so kind. I told her my mum had died in April and One Sweet Day had helped me through some of the dark days. She said she was sorry for my loss and hugged me (I nearly cried lol). She then said she loved my sweater (jumper lol) and wished me a Merry Christmas. I then randomly blurted out that she smelt amazing haha

  14. NC-GTW from mceyedol on Vimeo.

    This sounds... EPIC!!!

  15. I'm finally back! Moved home 2 months ago and only just got the broadband up and running! Yay! What have I missed music/leaks wise? Anything amazing of note? MC xx

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. jaycoolguy
    3. Tweener


      Welcome back, baby?

    4. liberation


      Yaaas i'm so excited for Nadine's, hopefully things will work for her this time :yaskween: Also, buy Hair Down by Mollie King on iTunes :yaskween: 

  16. The new London Grammar album is stunning.... I'm literally floored at how beautiful it is! wow!

  17. sporty_mike.jpg

    Decided to shave all the face fuzz off.... give my skin a chance to breathe. Got my legs out, just finished my workout too... knackered haha

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. mceyedol


      Hilarious.... and yes he is @SpeedofGays lol

    3. Speedy


      @mceyedol Ok  :yaskween::yaskween:

    4. Dayfid


      Wait a damn minute... I'm shook

  18. Now you've said this... it's 100% Lolene! I can hear that.
  19. First one is a bop... Second one sounds like Charli XCX imo. x
  20. "Don't let the darkness come and hold me,
    I need someone cause I can't be lonely tonight,
    C'mon baby, come and take me in your arms,
    I'll never be scared of the dark. "

    1. jaycoolguy


      Where is it N xx

    2. mceyedol


      In the singles thread on Steps. I posted the link :)

    3. jaycoolguy
  21. Love this.... the drum is particularly a triumphant and those background vocals.
  22. Yes the rollout has been incredible. Spice Girls should take note. This is how you do a comeback announcement I got tickets to Nottingham with meet & greet
  23. It was confirmed by Claire that the video with her picture (number 5) is the intro to Scared Of The Dark
  24. Lisa Scott-Lee retweeted my tweet. When asked do you really want new music, she responded just wait
  25. AMAZING summery remix of Mariah's "I Don't" Coming Soon ;)

    1. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      THIS IS SO MUCH BETTER! :hail: 

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