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About MiXero

  • Birthday November 17

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  1. But I like every single Tatu song oops Probably Stars actually, the fact they were too lazy to go back and re-record Yulia's verse in English is unforgivable and they should have done an English version of Robot instead xx
  2. Lena is the cutie cute redhead who is a divine angel. Yulia is the bitch who is literally plastic at this point. And Melanie's wig better be snatched. I think she has talent she just needs to knock this pedo pop shit out
  3. pls dont scalp queen Lena like that come for yulia tho Also, let's talk about the scam that is Melanie Martinez's "career" and "aesthetic" actually being a giant diaper fetish advertisement. I came to listen to music, not have some girl pretend she's three years old and then say "fucking" constantly
  4. I remember someone suggested Habits to me, and they called it "Stay High", and I looked it up, and heard the remix first since they called that one Stay High, and was unhappy with the person for suggesting it to me. But then they were like "ew wtf is this this isn't the right one" and I listened to the superior original
  5. Who stans for her tbh I feel like anyone who buys this is put onto a national watch list
  6. Here is a thread to rant about a song that has a remix that was popular but the album version doesn't get the praise it obviously deserves. I'll start with Mariah's "Fantasy". The ODB remix is shit and I don't understand why people think it's better. The chorus on the remix sounds underproduced as hell, and the original chorus is a pure 90's bop. FOH with that mess.
  7. I was scammed by Tatwho into thinking I was stanning a lesbian teen band but I was actually stanning two normal foreign girls desperate for attention, and then it took them 6 years for one girl to release an album on her own after saying in 2010 it was almost done (and the second girl still fucking hasn't even talked about an album). Avoid these scammers at all costs (unless it's to buy Lena Katina's new album Esta Soy Yo on iTunes).
  8. I'd like to report that @trayertrash scammed me.
  9. Aah, they perfectly pulled off Britney's iconic outfit she wore to Music Awards, hosted by >< and Generic Stock Vector Images Seriously, why are their biopics so shit Like, I can almost guarantee this will overdo every aspect of her life and will not even really feature anything besides negative shit (like how Aaliyah supposedly was still in love with R. Kelly years and years later, like recording The Red Album). Fucking M E S S.
  10. In Lena's defense about the Charlotte Church thing, she used it to get that promo. Charlotte said that they were gross and called Lena "mingy" or something like that, and Lena said "She should come to Moscow and then we'll shoot her in the head like in our new video" and I was just like "yaaaas get that promo"
  11. No shade towards you but I feel the opposite way. It sounds to me like she is bored and "going through the motions", if you will, during the song. But that's just my opinion
  12. She's fresh out of shade and since that's what her whole career thrives on at this point, she needs to take time off to think of some more shady shit to do
  13. Well, it ain't much, but Yulia is apparently a complete bitch, that isn't just some publicity stunt on her end. Didn't Wanna Do It was actually unfinished, she considers herself a complete diva and refused to go back into the studio and re-record the vocals. That's why the Russian version was in a different key and sounds more polished, was because the final DWDI was a demo version they tried to clean up. Also, most of her team talks MAJOR shit about how lazy and rude she is. Lena is recording her Russian album but music is kind of on the back-burner for her because of her kid. Lena actually did take her solo career very seriously, she just constantly had bad management. Her first manager, Boris, was the main reason Tatu even broke up (Yulia was sick of him), and he actually burned a lot of bridges for her in the industry. Tristam was disliked by most of the band, they called him Bubba because they thought of him as a redneck. He also constantly made promises that never came true, and then at the end blamed it on everyone else. As for Tatu while they were together, there isn't much tea that most everyone doesn't already know. Their manager got Yulia pregnant around 2002 and forced her to have an abortion, and it's very likely that Yulia's daughter is actually Ivan's. Honestly tho, I have no tea on early Tatu because they were serving too much of it. They only did photoshoots if their singles would bear ear-splitting loud during it, and would frequently piss interviewers and photographers off for being rude for no reason at all (Yulia took over 2 hours to get ready for a photoshoot once, and then when the photographer asked what was taking so long, she called him a cocksucker and walked out). Lena also threatened to shoot Charlotte Church in the head once.
  14. It's lackluster at best. I'm no fan of Gaga but I honestly expect MUCH better from her. At the end during the key change, it sounds like she's barely even hitting the notes. These were the BEST vocal takes they could use for her? I'm completely unimpressed tbh.
  15. This is literally the video to ex-Tatu member Julia Volkova's shitty "Didn't Wanna Do It" video.
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