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Everything posted by magicspells

  1. This is ridiculous. Is every dodgy trade going to be accused of being 'mermaidglimmer' from now on? The Soundcloud user NTMMU advertised the stems on their account which we traded for several days and was very aware of their value. it's not my fault that they tried to cast then off differently and, what I personally believe, tried to fool another. The easiest option will always be blaming the weaker party. NTMMU also fails to mention the other trades we did, all of which are advertised on their trading list. If people don't want to trade with me then fine, I do not force people to trade and people who I have traded with will tell you that I always send first, giving them a chance to 'inspect' what I have sent. #PHF is a respectful site and this 'mermaidglimmer' business has got boring - save it for tumblr. This is my final comment on the matter.
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