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  1. I didn't know! I thought I had unleaked songs but I suppose not anymore And yes! They are so good!!
  2. Has Arrested and Passenger by queen Sia leaked?
  3. Yes! Also I really like how hairy he is and his eyes
  4. I hope that happens really soon, I need it in my life queen ariel, queen ursula, king triton and knigs flounder and sebastian
  5. It was hillarious for me Tandy (will forte) ia so cute/handsome
  6. Yes..I saw that too Gail is my favorite from the show, I really hope she makes it somehow D:
  7. You're right sis...the little mermaid is my favorite disney movie I hope a movie is in the works...
  8. Lentil - Sia Furler
  9. You're so right queen we are messy gays, we love drama mawma ps: we need more gifs of queen New York
  10. Skies will break - Corinne Bailey
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