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Everything posted by Tweener

  1. Hope everyone has an AMAZING day today and you all fly on pink cotton candy clouds listening to your favorite aritst's unreleased songs! <3<3 


  2. Tbh they are both ugly af. I would never buy such shit...
  3. The only time when they were relevant
  4. She's such a sweet person. I love her soooo much Super hyped for Full Moon!
  5. Hello guys!

    Since today is the International Day Of Peace, please stop the fights and all the drama and share love and kindness with your fellow members.

    Thank you <3<3<3 


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Third Eye

      Third Eye

      Only sharing love with people who deserves it, like everybody 

    3. hooker


      stop fights but you tryin to fight a 14 year old 

    4. Tweener


      No. I am standing by my friend's side, cause I know the value of a friendship unlike some ppl here. And I  don't know how old you are and idc. If you come at me or my friends don't expect me to stay silent. Especially when you have NO idea what went down and you are sticking your nose to not your business. Leave it for adults, hun! :magic:

  6. Is "Digital Distortion" still happening? :'(


  7. His body on this photo kinda reminds me of:
  9. That one time the Goddess saved the world with just one song! :hail:  


  10. Omg! It's so funny. When I first watched it I couldn't stop laughing. She's adorable
  11. OMG! Thirdy summing up my life in 3 gifs! When will your friend, huh?
  12. This should be a header to the MTT tbfh, so ppl don't go psycho bitch on you!
  13. You do
  14. I understand liking someone's music or even loving it. And I surely understand wanting unleaked tracks, but to let those songs get in the way or friendships, finances or your mental wellbeing is just insane tbh.
  15. What's your snap, then?
  16. OMG! Exactly! I thought the same But he calls it a "nude"... You should teach him about the art of taking nudes
  17. I was super bored so I made this one xd
  18. Here's the news. Apparently, Troye Sivan's nude leaked. Well, it's actually an almost nude. He made a HIGHLARIOUS joke about it. Of course, he was surprised they leaked... anyone who believes this shit posts a I smell an attention whore. wbu?
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