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Everything posted by Tweener

  1. I mean... It's good that we don't agree Lana is confirmed tho, however Allie is scrapped af
  2. I'm low key interested in what Iggy is gonna deliver, but I agree with the rest
  3. Countess hun. I'm sorry, but this list is so incorrect. Knowing Lana, Mariah, and maybe Miley are coming this year, you pick Major Flopzer, Tove Hoe, Nelly Whoretado, and Allie Shits....
  4. "Melanie Babies" Is it the official name of this fandom?
  5. On point...


    1. Jump Rope

      Jump Rope

      This is some of her best songs 

    2. Tweener


      It really is <3 

    3. welp


      best song of the album!

  6. @LBBH will be all the rage
  7. Guys... smh... you really need a lesson on good music
  8. Sum covers I've made recently if anyone needs xd
  9. Today's jam, y'all :hail:


    1. Jump Rope
    2. welp


      stanning your taste :dealwithit: 

  10. Indonesian King!
  11. OMFG! It's better than the original! I am stanning! OMGGGGG
  12. Luv you too, cutie
  13. too bad they disbanded
  14. Is it like your real-life friend? Abd how did she manage to get Allie X to this video?!!
  15. Work, Work From Home and Into You are the only tracks that were good from this list
  16. And I'm here like:


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Third Eye

      Third Eye

      That's me enjoying the best chatbox shade session EVER on PHF

    3. The123
    4. Jump Rope

      Jump Rope


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