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Tweener last won the day on August 8 2021

Tweener had the most liked content!

About Tweener

  • Birthday January 22

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Queen of Pop

Queen of Pop (7/7)



  1. I can't believe we got new music from Mozart sooner than Rihanna.
  2. Tbh, I've known him privately and we talked a lot back when he didn't have anything. He was really nice and friendly. It's hard for me to believe he turned into such a bad person. I know what having unreleased rare stuff does to a person but what I've read above is a like some twilight zone tbh I lost contact with him a couple of years ago tbh and I've never followed what was going on in the trading world. Seeing this, a lot must have happened. It really makes me sad. Having said that, please be careful kids. Hacking is NOT ok. Having rare unleaked stuff doesn't make you a hero or anyone more important. Don't let it get to your heads. I hope K... is fine and not arrested. If only I could reach him somehow. Ehh.
  3. our intl shipping for a record is somewhere around $6
  4. the Gaga one was sold for $15 in Polish stores a week ago
  5. Love him! Someone please translate the lyrics
  6. Of course Miley and Hilary but don't forget the poor baby Alexz Johnson!
  7. Queen has returned! :hail: 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      It makes me happy to see your new posts. <3 I've missed you! Hope you've been well boo.

    3. Tweener


      Still corona-free so yeah :) Hope you are too <3



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  8. i do
  9. it never leaked in hq
  10. I am hyped for Robbie because he might have a collab with Emma Bunton there?
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