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Everything posted by asexualguy

  1. :magic: happy birthday :magic:
  2. everyday, there's always a good reason to want to fucking kill myself.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. asexualguy


      i don't have any will.

    3. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      Any will to live or any financial will? :morning: 

    4. asexualguy
  3. oh come on, miscarriage must be very painful, physically and emotionally. now, unless she's fucking wolverine, there is no way she was able to twist her body during the show right after she had a miscarriage.
  4. filthy frank, idubbbztv, h3h3 productions/ethan & hila, most of them are so dank. the most mainstream is rice gum. lately i've been watching anti SJW youtubers.
  5. yep he is, drink bleach - ep is
  6. just EP1 + random stuff of hers
  7. thank you and sure
  8. thank you
  9. uh, why would an aro be in a relationship?
  10. thank you
  11. i'm asexual aromantic cis-male. though, i'm androaesthetic, which means i find men attractive without wanting to fuck and/or date them.
  12. thank you just drew this because of banks!
  13. hey guys, i want to share my drawings with you tell me what you think about them i tried digital drawing but i sucked (trying to learn how to do it well atm) i haven't drawn anything lately, these are from last year i think.
  14. here are some from my favs : here's my personal favorite : i'm obsessed with making album instrumentals artworks complementary to the albums'
  15. yeah, i mean those two have the same template. everything about those artworks is just right.
  16. nothing can beat btd's artwork.
  17. sorry if they're off the charts
  18. not exactly horror but these movies will fuck you over for life: Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom & A Serbian Film
  19. @Psychosomatic Hudson just trying to help.
  20. okay, i only have the 192 kbps version.
  21. sorry if it's trash, also, the font called 'Rainbow' if anyone's wondering. i also can't find this pic with a higher resolution.
  22. i'm with you with this.
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