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Everything posted by asexualguy

  1. it's 10pm here and i gave Dua Lipa's Last Dance a shot
  2. is this the girl who got nailed in final destination 3?
  3. tumblr_oivip3cxjw1vjl81io1_1280.jpg

    i fucking hate anime.

  4. giphy.gifremember everyone, no matter what their gender, race, sexuality are. an asshole deserves to get hit.

  5. goddamn, how can you cut so cleanly?
  6. holy shit, why aren't these artists hiring you
  7. who the fuck is pop princess?
  8. yea, hit me up anytime
  9. OneRepublic - Oh My My (Instrumentals)
  10. trade Banks' instrumentals with me because i can't stand the fact that they're out there and I don't have them.


  11. thanks! it's my personal favorite too when it finished i was like "shit, i made that."
  12. long time no update lol, here's some i made recently MS MR - How Does It Feel (Instrumentals) XYLØ - America - EP (Instrumentals) Dua Lipa - Dua Lipa (Instrumentals)
  13. thank you so much, you've made my day lol. i'm still getting a midi keyboard and i already have logic pro x and prolly getting ableton. hope it won't be that hard lol
  14. thank you, i'd love to but i have no idea how to produce music lol
  15. what? oh wait.... i think i got the reference
  16. thank you lol!
  17. as much as i love birdy, Beautiful Lies is a boring mess.
  18. alright, thanks i'll use this, the official is a disgrace.
  19. i'm using this one because the official is boring. also, what font is that? i've been flipping since he released the song. he mentioned his girlfriend's name in the song and he announced that he's engaged to gold digging cheater of a girlfriend. but nice song, he's leaving the country genre. i'm more excited for his feature on diplo's work though.
  20. rather not lol
  21. rather not lol
  22. i don't really think i can do that lol
  23. i tried to avoid britney but yesterday i stumbled upon 'slumber party' on youtube and i just had to...
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