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Everything posted by Woodcrest

  1. why are all these natalia stans back i thought they'd made their own forum this was lowkey good tho
  2. Super happy with this, the good cunt sis @Speedoflight inspired me to make something less "simple" and "lazy" so I built up this composition from scratch, from the textures to the shapes to the renders, all me. If y'all come for this cover I'll honestly kill myself bec- -ause I haven't made something I'm this happy with in months so don't harsh my buzz. I chose to leave the top part empty so that the piece flows down from the sides to meet in the centre of the bottom half, I'm aware that it's a risky move especially in a competi- -tion but I'm gonna stick by that decision, hope it pays off lol
  3. The only thing I don't like about that is the So Good font, it really throws off the whole cover
  4. If you're gonna resort to such a tacky and cheap scheme then at least do it tastefully because I could make something like that in under 5 minutes
  5. Woodcrest


    Try this!
  6. Woodcrest


    this slays
  7. King of pop tbh
  8. The true gay agenda
  9. I'm really sorry this is so late This week has been an absolute nightmare in terms of work
  10. Don't do the good sis Björk like that
  11. Why would I want metaphorical ass over literal ass? Mad Love? More like Scamlove!!
  12. @Mad Love told me he'd send me pics of his ass but instead he sent me unleaked B*bi B**relly. I've never felt so betrayed and disappointed, please don't trade with him!!
  13. it's here
  14. i have a newish song of hers called 'the flute' want me to post a link?
  15. (Bottom left is supposed to be a burn mark, not her shadow) Original Picture
  16. I started this in July last year. I was supposed to be at the set that year but I lost my glasses and was effectively blind so I had to get my friend to guide me back to my tent smh. Set of the fucking century to be honest, I wish so badly I was there Decided to finish it tonight. Every detail in the lights and smoke was created from scratch, it was the spiralling textures that I decided to finish it with. Text inspired by official merchandise.
  17. James Arthur, for reasons I don't think I can explain but I have a deep hate for him Apart from that I don't think I truly hate any artist, if I don't like their music I just don't pay attention to them lol
  18. Don't do this to the good sis SZA, her album/EPs are genuinely good
  19. Thank y'all for the love, it was more fun than I thought it'd be tbh I even have a few more article ideas in mind ?
  20. Thinking about the Ghibli films Grave of The Fireflies and the ending to The Wind Rises makes me tear up almost immediately. Also there might be a possibility that we'll hear those Gaga demos seeing as Freakshow leaked ? I think someone bought them off that guy.
  21. mess what was this
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