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Everything posted by Woodcrest

  2. I realised that last night ⚰️⚰️⚰️
  3. J&D sounds amazing when you're playing it loud though good speakers tho
  4. I'll be waiting for your upcoming award-winning article 'Will Donald Trump Sue Us?' with bated breath
  5. I'm doing a marathon run through at the moment since I never had access to the show as a kid (except like half of the Diamond and Pearl gen), and after two weeks I'm on like episode 200 so I still have another like 800 to watch before I even reach S&M but seeing the occasizonal screenshot or gif of it makes me so uncomfortable lmao
  6. Have any of y'all seen that they've changed the art style for the anime
  7. I have a list of 27 design related hashtags stored on a note ready to just paste in, and then the remaining 3 hashtags are custom tailored to the person in the cover
  8. The only other track I skip besides Sex Dreams
  9. I listened to ARTPOP in the car the other day randomly and it never really dawned on me until quite how good the album actually is, I'd love to hear more of the scrapped demos even if they're just rough concept ones
  10. The only Miley things that leak are her nudes
  11. #NO1CURRS
  12. okay but why has it taken this long to get charlie hides on the show this is a crime
  13. She's finalising vocals for the next album and hasn't written the treatment for Mad Hatter yet
  14. Some more advice for designers bc I'm feeling worldly atm and I really want this thread to thrive Don't be afraid to reject a client if they're not up to your standard. If they come to you with a sloppily put together proposal with no clear direction nor a title tell them you're not available to do their project unless they're prepared to be more professional. They'll nearly always be more trouble than they're worth. Social media is the future of freelance design, if your online presentation isn't up to scratch get on it. Instagram, Tumblr, Twitter are all decent sites to work with especially due to the amount of young creatives. Facebook generally picks up an older audience and that's not always preferable because their briefs aren't generally as exciting. Sometimes you'll need to work for free, it's a harsh reality but you're gonna need to suck a few metaphorical dicks if you want to network with larger artists who's budgets aren't enough. I've earned at least $100 in the last couple of days purely from contacts brought about by doing free work. But don't forget fanmade designs, getting clients and commission work isn't easy and takes time so you'll need to bump up your profiles with fanmade and personal work. Credit the original photographers, it's such a small way of paying respects to the original contributors and goes a long way. Should you ever wish to contact an artist's press/manager for high quality images ensuring that you're crediting the original creatives makes your work look more professional and your image is everything.
  15. so jealous, can't wait until she announces another uk tour
  16. Laffing because I removed like half of my Gaga the other day when I moved laptops but I still have almost 700 tracks Dare: Drag a user that's been bothering you recently but don't @ them
  17. Outlaw h*terosexuality Have you ever came prematurely during s*x ?
  18. I think I've missed my chance by now Also a note for anyone searching for work on Twitter, be very careful to only apply for ones mentioning payment otherwise you'll end up working for some 'non-profit, charity rap song' that means the person can't pay you.
  19. Sweden, idek why Truth: Who is your favourite Petite Meller stan on this forum
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