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Everything posted by Woodcrest

  1. The song was a free download so they made nothing from that lol, and apart from producers she had to pay the photographer, dancers, rehearsal studios, pay for entry into Eesti Laul, all whilst independent. She's literally backed by the Estonian tourist board which is the only way she could fund the music videos and yet she's still relying on mediocre features with EDM artists that'll go nowhere. Also she lost Eesti Laul so I doubt she'd have gotten much promo from that regardless, at least outside of Estonia
  2. She probably put all of our her funds into the whole Eurovision fiasco (for starters why the fuck put it up for a free download? ) I'm not getting my hopes up on an album coming in the next few months, tbqh I wish I could get my money back like I did with my Kitten CD but again I'm not getting my hopes up knowing her flop ass management team
  3. Also congrats on your first article, I'm shook
  4. Daddy Francesco can sing to me all night long *sigh* (I'll leave out the usual things I'd describe us doing just in case he reads this ?) Macedonia to win tho >>>>
  5. Potentially seeing Allie X in May (if I can get my ass in gear and book a hotel, the ticket's already sorted) as well as Slaydy Godga in October, both in London
  6. Idek lol I was just relaying a story someone told me, I genuinely don't think we'll ever know the real reason they scrapped it
  7. Macedonia's entry >>>>>>>>
  8. According to one of the post-production crew the DWUW video was scrapped because it was too similar to the Wrecking Ball video, and she didn't want any more comparisons after the whole Roar v Applause thing. DWUW was filmed before WB but due to the delays WB came out first and Gaga felt betrayed by Terry because he didn't tell her sooner. The whole white backdrop thing in both is what I'm assuming the post-production guy was referring to but idk
  9. Found the Bey source, it was someone that wrote Jay's memoirs and is also an "award winning filmmaker" but I'm too tired to check out what exactly that's referring to https://www.theguardian.com/music/2015/may/18/jay-z-beyonce-baltimore-ferguson-protests-bail-money http://edition.cnn.com/2015/05/19/entertainment/feat-jay-z-protesters-bail/ http://www.dazeddigital.com/music/article/24779/1/jay-z-beyonce-baltimore-ferguson-protest-money-bail-police https://i-d.vice.com/en_gb/article/did-jay-z-and-beyonc-bail-out-protesters-in-baltimore http://uk.complex.com/music/2015/05/dream-hampton-talks-ferguson-baltimore-protests-jay-z https://www.buzzfeed.com/mbvd/jay-z-and-beyonce-paid-tens-of-thousands-to-bail-out-protest?utm_term=.cne59qljm#.sh3Oyeblm And I would've replied sooner, in fact most of my reply was already typed up but it's been a mad few days in terms of client work and meetings so I didn't have a chance to And I didn't actually know about Casey's allegations being from 2010, I must've skimmed over that when I read the initial articles about the Oscars, that changes everything in that case. There's been roughly the same time between incidents and yet one is clearly less severe than the other yet is widely more talked about. But whether or not we can put that down to just race is questionable, I'm sure there are other significant factors coming into play in this scenario.
  10. The thing that rubbed me the wrong way was your statements about this being a thing about race, whilst there may be some truth to it the whole thing seemed very negatively charged, a little pointed and very racially motivated. Your use of Moonlight and Beyonce as examples were unnecessary and completely unrelated to the argument. Why does Moonlight's decision to feature "drug dealers, drug addicts and physically abusive bullies" mean that it's less deserving of a win than some rehashed musical that brings nothing new to the discussion of art? Moonlight is raw, violent, explores untrod territory and a whole demographic of people rarely spoken about in the mainstream media. The reality of life is that not everyone is nice and sometimes it's sobering to see something from a new perspective, but why does that put it below a film about singing? I see straight through that agenda and I'm not falling for it at all. As for the Beyonce part about little support to social activism, one of the Ferguson protesters said that her and Jay have a special account where they bail out hundreds of protesters and have over the years helped significantly with supporting protests and such. I guess the reason we don't hear about it is because they're both notoriously private, especially with their private funds (as should everyone) and rarely use social media beyond Instagram. Both have however incorporated the idea of racial inequality into their music so I guess it's an argument of whether that's enough in this modern age. Has she ever been to a protest? Maybe not, but then again all Taylor did was take advantage of the recent protests by tweeting some empty praise. Why does gross opportunism make her some kind of feminist icon? Where was she when the US was being torn in two during the elections and a rampant psychopath and misogynist was taking over the country? Perhaps we wouldn't even be having these protests had she stood up and declared her political allegiance during the election and educated her country following on the dangers he was bringing. And her donation to Kesha was just a tacky PR move and a further example of her blatant opportunism. That donation only came when the media exposure to the case reached its peak. Where was her support during the other year long history of the case? In regards to the whole Casey v Remy argument, I think we have to look at the context of why they're being put on their respective pedestal. Remy is the first artist in a while to come at Nicki with such ferociousness and I think that made people realise that Nicki isn't this untouchable object we make her out to be which led to all the media hype. The same would probably happen if any artist of Remy's notoriety were to come at her with such a charged diss. And whilst Remy was found guilty of her crimes (committed 9 years ago)- which are disgusting and in my opinion do deserve further consideration from the media- she has served the time and paid for it. On the other side of the coin Casey Affleck's accusations are still ongoing and are very recent. However the fact is is that Affleck has yet to be convicted of his accusations, and it's unlikely that he ever will without solid evidence. Until he's convicted of his crimes he shouldn't be vilified by the media so I guess I do agree with you on that. I guess it's a similar situation to the whole Kesha v Dr Luke scenario, whilst I love Kesha a lot and wish the best for her it hit a point where I no longer felt I could take a side because the whole thing is so up in the air. It's a moral situation which I'm struggling with because whilst I wish I could hate Luke there still isn't a single piece of concrete evidence beyond some emails which we really don't know much about. This isn't an attack on you and you shouldn't view it as one, we should be encouraging discourse about social issues so it's interesting to hear your thoughts, but here are mine.
  11. One of her two only fans dragging her through the mud by exposing her sloppiness, a mess edit: people are saying that it's serious, all jokes aside i hope she's okay
  12. so edgé
  13. Fei: Fantasy - I was actually pleasantly surprised by this, a bop tbh Sunmi: 24 Hours - Kind of decent but also a bit forgettable, not sure if I'd listen again HA:TFELT: Ain't Nobody - Not bad, lyrics and vocals are good but the production is a bit generic. The further I got through the more I enjoyed it though Utada Hikaru: Keep Tryin' - Considering that I'm very hit or miss with her stuff, this actually sounds quite similar to the slayage that is Fantôme so I'm definitely gonna check this out further Na aram: Chill - Title sums it up perfectly Ami Suzuki: Reincarnation - Fuck me up tbh, if only the chorus vocals weren't so grating at times Suiyōbi no Campanella: Kamehameha the Great - Fuck me up also, this is amazing
  14. Ooh I love those Katy covers
  15. The original title was Barz if I recall, it was on some artist's Instagram who was commissioned to do the creative direction that was ultimately scrapped
  16. winning? she's not even on the poll obviously petite godslayer's album will be the best of the year, shortly followed by jain
  17. She threw it at him (the seller) and another pap picked it up and made sure he had it. The quoted text makes this seem much more hostile than it should be, the guy gave a really interesting interview into his time with Britney and apparently up until then they were all very close and helped each other out (the paps and Brit I mean) like when she burst a tire on the freeway and she asked the paps to help her out. During the umbrella attack he was asking how she was and she responded by fucking up his car (which I think he's also selling), but obviously it was a very emotionally tumultuous time for her so he wasn't surprised that she suddenly reacted like that and he harbored no negative feelings about it. I wonder if one day we'll get an accurate movie about her life which includes all the lesser known bits like this
  18. omg slay me dad this is so good and yes get that exclusive t
  19. your boyfriends are really cute and i love their little blue and pink house, not sure about your dog tho....
  20. Remember when a young musician dropped the most iconic hit of the naughties? 


    1. Tweener


      I need to finally download her album LOL

  21. A site called PokémonFire I began on Netflix which has like only half (???) of season 1 (and even then they're missing some episodes) and then I moved to YouTube but the account got shut down when I was mid-episode so I finally moved to PokémonFire lol
  22. I've done the math: 275 (episodes) x 21 (minutes) = 5775 (minutes) / 96.25 (hours) spent watching Pokemon in the past few weeks They're about to enter Rustburo city in the Hoenn region so I'm making fairly decent progress. It's nice to just have it streaming whilst I'm working so it's not like I'm wasting my time
  23. All of it comes through Instagram now that I've stopped updating my FB, Twitter, Tumblr and Flickr regularly I also work with a team of engineers and producers who occasionally send me over some clients, I'm getting more from freelance at the moment though
  24. For acapellas you need a lossless version of the instrumental and a lossless version of the original, from there you can invert the audio or something and get the acapella Never actually done it before but yeah that's the main way people get clean acapellas without using expensive software
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