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Everything posted by Woodcrest

  1. I remember making one but I literally have no idea where I put the file Thank you guys Couple of new designs, sorry if the size of the second one messes with anyone's computers
  2. Thinking about buying tickets to see her at the end of November in Bristol but the only resale prices I've found are £45+ which is over double the normal prices. Might just see if anyone's offering any on Twitter over the next few months
  3. Is Mermaid Hotel an alternate version of Mermaid Motel (I feel like this is a really stupid question)?
  4. can you send them to me too pls
  5. Some areas are a little unpolished, the 'about' tab and cv are completely empty for example, as are the contact and blog posts The front page however is lovely, I never knew that a fan had designed the official artwork for Adore's singles but they slay
  6. I'm getting an Error 404 message.
  7. Thanks guys New cover for DW, I manipped two of the promo pics together to make it a bit more exciting. I really love the mask set, I feel that without it (the mask) the shoot wouldn't hold nearly as much weight to it.
  8. They've been taken down.
  9. I understand that it can sometimes make MQ images look slightly better, but I'd recommend avoiding Topaz at all costs, especially with covers. I feel like this could look really nice without the Topaz applied tbh
  10. Thought I'd share a couple of my recent covers, hope you like them! Constructive criticism is always welcome!
  11. I love your work, especially that 78violet cover. For the Meghan cover the fonts don't really work that well together in my opinion, maybe try something handwritten? I think that would look quite nice paired with a font for her name! Keep up the good work!
  12. The Natalia and Kesha covers >>>>
  13. Try downloading some hair brushes and put them in a layer under the cutout. I'm fairly confident with hair cutting but sometimes it just makes them look slightly more polished. Deviantart has some good ones!
  14. LG5 and Matahdatah
  15. Kanye - MBDTF Possibly the greatest and most inspiring body of work released, every track makes my heart race and I could praise it for days. Gaga - BTW Got me through some rough times so I have a very deep emotional connection to it.
  16. The immediate issue for me is the use of space, she needs to fill the space more for this to work better compositionally. Alternatively make the background smaller and crop it down. I like the concept and colouring though!
  17. Been looking for this for a while, thank you!
  18. Thank you for this, what a gorgeous shot
  19. I'm fairly impartial to leaks (I would personally never leak anything), but I remember Sia mentioning a few years ago following a leak that when an unused tracks appears online, all potential for the song to be sold disappears and for struggling artists I can understand that this can be damaging, so when I do see something leak there's a part of me that does feels bad for the artist.
  20. I watched the leaked episode last night and I'm still upset
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