sissor fisters/ladey looptrack/ladey Gags 2x(munster ball was my first concert and auntgrave was disappointing)
hanson goes/meanie martini (it was actually fun,the opening was good,mealanie was good, and my ear died from the bass)
christan and the fags will burn in hell/marinameets and the hate for her diamonds (Christine i wasnt interested at the time but come to love her now,marina was fun without all the tall people blocking me and gabriels art is so good on screen,ex oomf cant relate!)
alleyway xtra forehead/ twig steven (allie was fucking boring and troye delivered with that light show)(that bitch had meet and greets everywhere on that tour except mines cause her ass afraid to get shot in oakland)
some irrelevant bottoms from new york/tony killme (i went for my sister,the opening act was so cringey,they tried to ipress the audience but failed so many times,tori served vocals wig dragged)
k.y.s/boumkakke (cant wait to meet them all and the first time i meet my faves in person)
ladey gaga (she better hoe down and serve me choreo/)