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Everything posted by Caolicolor

  1. sis delete this,a big fat no
  2. amazing no one wants to trade with your scam ass no more
  3. selena? people actually want selena unreleases like your lame ass?
  4. not him disliking all the post on here
  5. my signature remains relevant and forward with the times
  6. K.I.D: Tired all The Time Lady Gaga : A Star is Born Sountrack
  7. p sure marina is in stillborn mode in terms of writing
  8. Not having someone with a weird ass fetish in my dms
  9. So i'm starting to do commissions,DM me on twitter or instagram if you're interested!
  10. sidenote: this pic is very banks "the altar"
  11. met her,gave her some old drawings,she knew me and said she loved my art
  12. when you act like youre really offended by someone calling you a rat
  13. Caolicolor


    I can't see it
  14. Caolicolor


    Hate to bring old threads back but could anyone post links to the old songs (the actual files)
  15. so im trying to buy the karamel episode but it wont let me buy it,can anyone help me get it heres the link to the show: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/tv-season/disband-season-1/id338844761#
  16. copyright mustve took it down fast too
  17. the frame and exact time my soul left my body
  18. it was the first concert ive been to in months,the first time i get to meet and talk to my faves in person,and a concert where i could envyingly bop to the whole night (i was sweating alot).i can say it was a great concert to be at (especially where i was standing,i was at the very close side of the stage)
  19. Footage I shot yesterday + snippet of backstage bc my fingers hit the stop button
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