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low kii savage

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Everything posted by low kii savage

  1. Welcome! Nice to have someone that can do the Dolby atmos thing! Not sure if there's anything of my interest I can request, but all I hope is that you and your family is doing well Have a nice stay here and I respect Charli as profile pic!
  2. Upgrade? It looks like one of these pages that will tell me my lump on the neck is the reason why I have 3 days left to live and lil chat box will pop up from the bottom of the page so I can consult it with some random local doctor. Wishing WHF and the design quick recovery
  3. https://onlyfiles.io/f/b3f51dd10eb445fba2d7046b22efa076 https://krakenfiles.com/view/WY9SV6yOjC/file.html
  4. Atlantic probably stops the feature to happen, they really only care about the money and if they won't profit, they won't release shit, like most labels. They're not flop-charity
  5. It's more "new song teasing" content since we got since MMW... Is she actually coming?
  6. Katy Perry has TikTok?
  7. Yous sins shall be forgiven. Tbh Hasta La Vista isn't really that bad but it do sounds dated, I feel it's maybe not cause of production but chorus? It's way too weak for production like this and almost sounds monotone. Now let's bet, what's coming sooner, Krsytal's Solo Debut/f(x) reunion or single from Ms. McDonald
  8. Did u just came out as "not f(x)'s 4walls lover"? Ratio pls asap
  9. @Seraphine update it! See U Again appeared on DBREE along with longer snippet of Love Hate Miss! (except those are bass boosted af, but it gives hopes for more leaks hopefully?)
  10. There's no way she won't start that interview with: Hi, I'm Bonnie McKee and my short-film won 53 awards. Inform the closest ones about your funeral
  11. Let's see if he asked THE important questions. So far, it seems promising? We should pray that the next question won't be "Did you by any chance direct a short-film?"
  12. Stems seem to be still easy to get so most likely, haven't really listened to it so don't take my words for granted
  13. Just when we thought she couldn't get lower
  14. Maybe she actually "re-recorded" her Epic songs and that's the result? I'm not really a fan of that snippet but what else can I say from 20sec snippet? I just hope it wasn't switch in production and just in vocals, 'cause else I'm scared for rest of Epic songs
  15. Thanks I guess We're really getting crumbs of crumbs at this point
  16. I should change my beliefs Fixed that for you
  17. It's time to change your beliefs! What about Spaghetti-monster? Much more likely to happen
  18. Y'all shall enjoy my intro remake for DGMGF and use it or else no more Bonner leaks nor releases https://onlyfiles.io/f/62814fab2303468f932ed499469a7139
  19. tbh she could just remove 2nd verse (which repeats itself anyway) and we'd have perfect album opener... the wasted potential the Bonner had
  20. Once u send it to her, she'll ask u if she can use it for 0.99$ She prolly can't afford any graphic designer
  21. Did she ever comment on her music career recently though? The last time from what I know was when she did magazine interview and they asked her about I Got It Bad and her answer wasn't too... interesting...
  22. So I guess her music career is over?
  23. She might as well post Forever 21 artwork and rather for release, I'll wait till she archives it, a real Bonner fan is a fake Bonner fan
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