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low kii savage

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Everything posted by low kii savage

  1. Y'all expecting way too much from a girl that has her fingers glued... She still needs to rest from that terrible and dangerous accident
  2. Bonnie glued her fingers so she won't edit the MV as we speak now
  3. Watch her delay it as we speak
  4. Imagine the appreciation if SHE WERE ACTUALLY TO RELEASE STUFF?
  5. if her saying: ITS COMING THIS SUMMER is 50% of being true, probably means 10% so i wouldn't get excited
  6. Thank u! Got into productions lately and wanted it as clean and interesting as possible, it wasn't much work tho
  7. davwvvw1d slayed, that's what he did
  8. Also did my extended version of American Girl so I guess enjoy? https://onlyfiles.io/f/ea8b92aea6f14a6dbbf36ff2a524659f
  9. Didn't this lady have a break since 2019? I'm over her at this point, it has to be the turning point for me. streams Somebody's Gonna Get Hurt
  10. This, this and once again... THIS
  11. Genius is literally Wikipedia of songs where everyone can edit it, the difference is some twink won't let himself be corrected and change the lyrics
  12. Random thought but the IWFCY -> F21 -> Hot City transition works so well. She ends IWFCY with dialing number, F21 starts off with "your service has been temporarily suspended" (which I have added myself as intro) and ending is mixing so well with Hot City's intro. Chefs kiss tbh
  13. I'll need you to tell me what song could've inspired her to write Right Now, right now Y'all be living life while my suffering never ends
  14. Except Promises was released
  15. Meaning: SLAY reaching 10 million streams within first 24 hours = album coming this year Anything below: scrapped
  16. It's... something? Thanks for sharing! NOW LEAK RIGHT NOW
  17. Tbh the artworks were quite nice and you could basically find artwork for any artist? Can we bring that page back pls?
  18. Also can y'all give us Right Now from Puke instead of F21? RN isn't coming whatsoever cause she rather spend money on parties than masters while F21 has a tiny chance of being released this decade
  19. On the other hand, can someone deliver with cute, nice, coverlandia-level like artwork for Thorns EP?
  20. Sellers are probably making more money than Bonnie ever will with promo like this
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