I guess she have 2 options to take:
1. Take more nude photos n share them with us
2. Be born in America, buy a gun, shoot yourself
3. Give us all of hers unleaked songs
This game has potential, it just need to be made better, there needs to be non-internet option, PokeCenters in town, fight with wild pokemons, shops in which u can buy something with ur virtual money n not that u can buy all pokeballs etc at ur place, also they NEED to fix a lot of bugs, like this one, where when u catched pokemon, the game will stop, because of this bug, I've lost Eevee n Poliwag
So as a thread says, u can post there your favourite non-english bops *it counts when for example non-english singer sings in english but is not very popular for england like for exapmle Lena - Sattelites but it's till more interesting if u share some non-english songs * I'll start with mines: