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low kii savage

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Everything posted by low kii savage

  1. anyone who'd like to help me search for something :/ ?:cypher:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. William


      is this warner access?

    3. Woodcrest


      the thing you're looking for is right here my love 

    4. low kii savage

      low kii savage

      @VisKip nothing "unleaked" related, only searching thing

      lemme buy big empire in tha cd shop, not online :dayfid:

  2. well, TWICE is most popular kpop group atm n i think they've charted on billboard on a "worldwide" albums or something like that, I had kiiara on my avatar as well n she was at Top20, Eden Xo is dead, but still, quality of her music videos are better than Gaga's, but yeah, do your research before shading anyone +Twice TT music video has more views in 2 months than Gaga's Perfect Flopiusion in 3 months (TWICE - TT Oct. 23. 2016 - 91,255,374 views / Lady Gaga - Perfect Flopiusion Sept. 20. 2016 - 66,201,451)
  3. the only reason why gaga got so good sales from this album, is her name, nothing else, if Aurora would have name "Lady Gaga" she'd have No. 1 on each from those charts + starting from there, that Gaga is SO popular, but can't even get more than 5 No. 1s
  4. starting there that Azealia is not even successful
  5. is that lady gaga running for her career/fame to come back?
  6. tho killer killer killer n Yumenu Hajima Ring Ring >>>>>>
  7. actually, kyara has some bops tbh
  8. im w sia n adele, but let's be honset, Ariana will win (sadly)
  9. Cheer up! There r only 2 days left till weekend!


    1. Third Eye

      Third Eye

      this is so happy

  10. downtempo: trip hop: what is actually trip hop, something like trap with hip hop? , electronic: from experimental im not sure if I know any, there's a lot of jpop experimental music, tho not in kpop, if something that pepe is doing is experimental, than here u go, I think u might like it
  11. Kiiara - Low Kii Savage Terror Jr - Bop City Red Velvet - The Velvet Red Velvet - Russian Roulette Sizzy Rocket - THRILLS Taeyeon - WHY TIFFANY - I Just Wanna Dance TWICE - TWICEcoaster:LANE1 Mamamoo - MELTING Mamamoo - Memory I.O.I - Miss Me? WJSN - The Secret Hyolyn - IT'S ME HyunA - A'wesome STELLAR - Sting Luna - Free Somebody Liane V - No Cuffs Karmin - Leo Rising Jojo - Mad Love. GFriend - Lol Jessica - With Love, J EXID - Street Fifth Harmony - 24/7 Dal Shabet - Naturalness Blackpink - Square One & Two Charli XCX - Vroom Vroom Beyonce - Lemonade Ailee - A New Empire
  12. this year was golden tbh: Best: -Terror Jr - Say So -Kiiara - Hang Up Tha Phone -Liane V - No Cuffs -Red Velvet - Cool Hot Sweet Love -Sizzy Rocket - THRILLS -CL - Lifted -That Poppy - Money -The Veronicas - On Your Side -Mamamoo - Decalcomanie -Kara Craig - Full Moon n it's just 1/15 part of my best releases this year, tho 10 is 10 so Worst: -Ariana Grande - Side To Side -Beyonce - Forward -Cruel Youth - Diamond Days -Neon Hitch - Firetiger i can't do more since i don't listen to things that i dont like tbh so i cant find any bad songs on my itunes
  13. watch out for my body rolls
    watch out for my body rolls

    high kicks! high kicks!
    this is how we do it :dayfid:

  14. still the best cover of Hallelujah


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. low kii savage

      low kii savage


      the only people laughing are the ones laughing at petite and her stagnant career (me)

      Fixed it for you! :magic:

    3. Woodcrest


      Her recent album release in a climate where many debuts don't make it off the shelf, critically lauded videos shot in diverse and hard to reach locations, and the fact that she's already making steady progress on her next album say otherwise. Her label clearly have faith in her, perhaps when Bonnie isn't leaving record contracts and can release an album without getting dropped immediately after we can chat xo

    4. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl


  15. Still waiting for Portal 3
  16. Try to reach at least 100 posts
  17. Officially Depressed, I hope that Blackpink will be new 2NE1, since they're pretty good
  18. is this fan an actual fan? ive heard he wanted to punch justin in the face, i think its even visible, where this "fan's" hands went. Even tho i dont like justin, i get his point tbh
  19. elle king - Kocaine Karolina neon - firetiger sky ferreira - omanko n kristine terror jr - super powers
  20. #GetInChristmasMood


    1. Main Pop Girl
    2. low kii savage

      low kii savage

      i mean, it's mariah, whatever she does, it's bop :stretcher:

  21. the only thing i wanna do rn is die, help me :'(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. low kii savage

      low kii savage

      it's not about that tho, thanks for trying btw <3 

    3. Natalia Kills

      Natalia Kills

      cheer up!

      you're a beautiful person

    4. Speedy


      stay strong baby  <3<3 

  22. omg, shes soooooo goooooood, omg, cum to brasilleee, yassss, gagaaa
  23. so much hate but she's actually talented af #INeedNataliaBackTho
  24. idk what kill bill is but this cover slays me hard tbh, good work
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