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low kii savage

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low kii savage last won the day on August 21 2022

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About low kii savage

  • Birthday May 17

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  1. Except it's not but the editor seems to be extra stubborn about it and is obsessed with sabotaging that small little portion of her page, especially after Bonnie herself confirms American Girl IS lead single of Hot City (which appears to be yet another ignored argument provided by someone who actually tries to provide factual changes to the page.) 🤷‍♂️ Given this situation, I encourage the skilled members of PHF to take up the task of editing or joining the discussion on Wikipedia and let's refrain from further cluttering this thread
  2. Thus we shall just persist, it's not like the discussion is treated too seriously or arguments are taken into consideration by the one in power, especially after that Katy's Never Really Over mention
  3. Well, still, American Girl wasn't yet still lacks the tag nor any arguments as to why it is that way. That being said, once again, please someone with capabilities to edit stuff on Wikipedia make the page finally say truthful information because we all, including Bonnie, know American Girl was THE lead single of Hot City
  4. The discussion seems quite one sided if you ask me tbh It still makes no sense how American Girl isn't tagged as one though, additionally I'm quite confident she proved otherwise when it comes to Sleepwalker in her recent Q&A.
  5. I'm not talking about establishing article for Hot City itself but rather to have the songs I've mentioned to be also noted on the right side of the table in the discography section. She confirmed on multiple occasions those were indeed THE Hot City singles so as small of a change it is, I don't see why no one has fixed it yet, especially with sources being so easily accessible.
  6. It's hilarious how we're technically week into the album but her Wikipedia page still doesn't have AG/SIYH/Sleepwalker listed as songs from Hot City, might someone with skills finally fix it?
  7. We're on the very same boat! Leaves me wondering how the OG sounded like
  8. Orange drink, if you know, you know
  9. She gots to be joking, right?
  10. On this one she even sings Trouble at 21:49! That being said, she also appears here at 08:48, 09:19, 18:59, 34:26, 54:50 and probably multiple times more, but I haven't watched the movie entirely: https://theflixer.tv/watch-movie/watch-august-rush-full-17435.5301466
  11. That edit was so unnecessary That being said, don't ever try and get a job as graphic designer
  12. As we all should! Hopefully all the people that were wasting their energy on talking shit on her work etiquette will also use the same amount of energy to pre-save and stream the song once it's out (and with some energy left, also promote it and spread it within their circles)
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