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Everything posted by PrettyBitch

  1. The U.S. sucks ass and has a collapsing economy xoxo enjoy coming here.
  2. What is with K-pop and buying Kesha demos?
  3. I meant in restrooms, not in general.
  4. Not all religious people are like that. It's sad that negative experiences in the world stand out more than positives ones. I have a feeling that these millions of signatures you will see often for things like this or other boycotts are probably all the same people. My favorite is how they boycotted the show Good Christian Bitches for being blasphemous even though it was just showing how hypocritical, rude, and greedy some Christians can be I read something about that recently. Trans people are already really careful in restrooms, so they don't receive abuse often at all. And let's not male shame
  5. Fuck you to hell. Medusa is real. I think she performed it live once or twice, but there are no recording$
  6. Most community health centers offer free therapy kthx.
  7. Not that graphically. With her children there (not that she has any, nor is it relevant It's good they were caught I guess?)
  8. She is such a ho though. Sings covers of "Or Nah" with her children present. smh.
  9. Oh. I have the whole album instrumentals in lossless. I think they're watermarked though. You can't make perfect acapellas tho because they are mastered differently too. I feel like a lot of times they release demo instrumentals on purpose. Some of the piano keys are a half note lower on In Another Life.
  10. Have the Hook Me Up instrumentals leaked?
  11. Ew, you're here? I just threw up everywhere.
  12. Only prostitutes have two glasses of wine at lunch.

    Well, then buy me a boa and drive me to Reno because I am open for business <3 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. monopoly


      I thought so but I couldn't remember Emily saying such a thing so I assumed it was something else lol.

    3. PrettyBitch


      It's from when Emily & Richard are separated, I think.

    4. monopoly


      Is that the episode where she climbs out the basement window?

  13. This bitch stole my line. I copyrighted it at birth.
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