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Everything posted by PrettyBitch

  1. Her voice??? I mean the dancing is kind of ridiculous, but I literally don't see what's wrong with it. she's not off-key or anything. She's eclectic and it's a bit odd I guess, but there's nothing technically wrong with it? Seems like you violated your own no-pettiness rule
  2. What's wrong with this performance???...
  3. She's such a slut you could just physically pick up all of her sluttiness #NoJudgement?
  4. I'm sorry but that's just nasty Her outfits are a ripoff of Cher. Kthxbai
  5. Leave me alone, hag. I don't want to see you talking about me again. PS: Willam4ever
  6. Someone can't read...
  7. Why does everyone call ARTPOP a flop? 2.5+ million sales really isn't that bad...
  8. Everyone needs to support this girl and dis bop https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/pretty-little-liar-single/id1096569215 https://us.7digital.com/artist/my/release/pretty-little-liar-5254191
  9. #i'msowet
  10. I can make you sound like a 20-layer robot l0l
  11. I just orgasmed.
  12. Worst comeback ever. I still never said he asked for it. I asked if he would want it. Illiterate much?
  13. Do you think I give a fuck? I will castrate you and force feed it to him. Bitch needs to learn to be fucking human.
  14. OH MY FUCKING GOD. Stop being such a psychotic, dumb fucking cunt. You didn't see our conversation, and he never asked me to get it from you. You're either a fucking loony-bin cunt, or you failed kindergarten for being so incredibly stupid. -face spike-
  15. She only sings the chorus I think. idk.
  16. ... Meh. Boring. I still want to know who the singer for Mr. and Mrs. Don't Give a Fuck is.
  17. Yeah, but it's been happening less. When it does happen, If I actually open the messages or notifications tab it shows the bolder unread ones even if there was no notification.
  18. They work sometimes. I notice that they go away if I change pages, or if I access from a different device until a new one is sent (if that makes any sense)
  19. I don't know if this would be possible, but it would be nice to have edits be live-updates, like on Skype or something, so that you don't have to refresh to see the changes.
  20. Yess! I meant to suggest this. It would be nice to be able to search in specific threads too
  21. Who is this person? I want to try and trade with them do they like any of the ppl on my list? I also have the Pretty Hurts multitrack
  22. I'm not getting all of them either!
  23. High frequency content can cause errors on low end audio cards etc. So there's that too
  24. 3 more hours by request of an unnamed person xoxo http://www.tiikoni.com/tis/view/?id=658b99d
  25. its right here. It just reared its ugly head. I sent you a pm asking you to stop going off topic and bitch at me privately instead of making a spectacle. But apparently not only can you not be bothered to read your pms, you cant be bothered to read the other posts in this thread.
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