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Everything posted by PrettyBitch

  1. Feel my judgment
  2. This site might as well be called Pop Loves Pandemonium, it's always full of nonsensical drama xoxo
  3. Not just the key, but it's wayyyy off tempo too. Just doesn't sound right. Could sound good transposed and with a slightly different tempo.
  4. I agree. I like a few songs by The Beatles/Rolling Stones, but in general, I don't like them. At all.
  5. Bitch, please, you just hate all artists that aren't bubblegum LOL.
  6. Mmh. The I Rule The World demo and A Little Bad are safe
  7. I actually like the Angel of Darkness if you install all the mods people made for it to fix problems. It would've been good if they hadn't been rushed to finish it http://www.tld.missingstudios.com/
  8. Rude bitch, I should be Allie X. ;-;
  9. That moment when you get your hands on super rare DVD promo music
  10. Um. I act like that to everyone... pay attention
  11. All I need is my Vitamix blender for eternal liquid love.
  12. If this is a reference to me, cunt, I never said it did, and I don't think it does. Please learn to not be a sanctimonious twat. Thanksies.
  13. Stuff me with wasabi pls. I need that spice deep in me.
  14. That's because there are no cool ppl on lanaboards. Corrupt, disgusting site. unless this was sarcasm, then I love you no one can tell... you're cisgender pixels.
  15. Bitch is satan. Not happening xoxo
  16. Is it cry baby biatch? Pls halp
  17. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1071721/
  18. I'm actually 6'4" too l0l. I like it. Although tall people don't live as long...
  19. Bitch don't even with drag queen gifs. You flopped. My spirit animal is Willam.
  20. His face is so creepy... they will have alien babies.
  21. Flat vs animated speaking... Yes, she does speak like that. There are other recordings of her speaking the same before Allie X. I said I don't see what's "TECHNICALLY" wrong with it, as I kept saying, she was ON key. -_- Fucking learn to read.
  22. This I now have respect for you. I think we should bring "her" penis back from the dead. What a great metric to rate someone's self-worth on; how much money they have.
  23. Where did I say anything? as you quote "anything", I never said "anything" wrong, so bite me. In fact, I just finished saying that it definitely was not her best performance. And screaming isn't singing, so it can't be "off-key," especially if it's intentional. And how is that anything like Gaga? wtf?
  24. I've seen performances where her singing was bad?? People have off days, I just don't think there was anything wrong with that one. How is it bad? She's on key. it wasn't her best by far but it wasn't a "flop"
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