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Everything posted by PrettyBitch

  1. I agree... except, why the fuck would you have your window down in the first place? DUMB. ASS. I hate this guy.
  2. Is this really her? ;/
  3. Bitch, get rekt. It's Unforgiveable.
  4. Somehow I managed to confuse you with Fugly Mind I apologize for my hate towards you
  5. Unless you are serious, I would like to change my votes over to you (u)
  6. Unapologetic is Untalented.
  7. VOTE FOR ME. My three votes are 1. PrettyBitch 2. PrettyBitch 3. PrettyBitch thank you my loyal hate-ees.
  8. I would delete Rihanna's last three albums except for Four-Five Seconds. Loud was her last good album.
  9. I need $30. Buy stuff from me pls. 

  11. -stares at dandruff flakes-. Ty for helping me purge #SkinnyBitches
  12. @Speedoflight speed of loose manginas.
  13. Ew. I wish you had stayed silent. Nastii bitch, fap somewhere else
  14. he's too fugly. you don't want 1. Anyway, don't make me tell people about **** or whatever it was speak up, bitch
  15. @Tweener pls verify receipt of my beauty
  16. Just ask Tweener. I'm at least top 10 of you bitches
  17. I have b4. Not my fault you missed my Godly amazingness.
  18. Bitch pls I'm like 6lbs from being underweight. My body rejects fat, because as you said, it's ugly.
  19. dafuq. I am not fat
  20. Bitch please, photos hide flaws. Anyway~ My skin is most perfect here pls #TookAccutaneThreeTimesEvenThoughIDidn'tNeedit#Ageless#Best#gtfo
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