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Everything posted by PrettyBitch

  1. Just because she made Christian music in the past, doesn't mean her current music is. So yes, I'm confused why you are calling her covering a Smokey Robinson song "christian rock." Furthermore, I honestly doubt Christian music is going to be making jokes about penis size (Size Matters), innuendo about turning her on (I'm a Bomb; Stumble) or saying "bitch" (Weightless). Gtfo cunt. On a side note, I am the Utada whisperer. I found two high notes no one has mentioned before. C6 on Celebrate, and an E6 in Stay Gold. http://picosong.com/UTGz/ And #HiddenLyrics : http://picosong.com/UdqP/
  2. listen to this instead of this shit game xoxo:
  3. O_o WTF? How is that Christian rock? Like no snark any more, I am seriously confused? And Mariah can't go that high without whistle or head voice thx.
  4. Okay then... but how is that related to what I said then? way to tangent #meaningless Anyway, that's because you don't know what talent is. Vocal range of C3-Eb6 with B5's in full chest voice without sounding like a whore being murdered like some other unmentionable singers.
  5. O_o I don't even use Soundcloud really and my Natasha demos aren't fake, bitch-tits xoxo And why wouldn't anyone want to hear all the vocal takes/have a multitrack? lel Bye bitch.
  6. Not instrumentals (ew ), try pro tools for any artist you could ever want***
  7. Suck off, hag xoxo You just jelly of my disgustingly large, secret hoarding of so many artists everyone would kill for.
  8. Please note that I shit on about 99% of the artists here
  9. And fuck you dumbazz bitches voting for Ari. That larynx is so high it might as well be ripped out of her throat. GTFO
  10. mmm... Sia or Adele. tbh Adele's vocal performances were underwhelming on 25. Still love her tho.
  11. Sorry. No. 2016 was the year the music died. Except for Utada's Fantome.
  12. Are there any females on PHF? Weird question, but I need to know for something <3 

  13. All of her stuff has R&B tho pretty much? Dumb hoe ;^; don't make me shiv you S>Utada pro tools
  14. Sorry, but it's the only good song from Cubic U
  15. she looks like a Vegas street whore.
  16. Because I could have actually listed every single one of her songs, but I happened to be listening to Blue that moment PS: I have Here & There & Back Again in 320kbps and not shitti 64kbps youtube
  17. COHESIVE: well-integrated; unified Pls learn vocal pedagogy A voice that is well-integrated is more commonly known as a connected voice, meaning the different registers and notes have a timbral togetherness. Bye bitch.
  18. No but for reals:
  19. Her entire range is shrill, even when she does husky tones, and she screams all her belts live. It's objective, not subjective, so I didn't "dare" to do anything. The end. Dying Cow:
  20. Not Mariah??? Miley Cyrus. And thats not even herrr
  21. She screams all of her high notes live -.-
  22. Let's pretend we all haven't heard your alien-like singing voice and it's total lack of cohesiveness
  23. dafuq bitch, Wrecking Ball is this talentless whore's only good song
  24. Must you make *everything* about gays.
  25. Someone with Natasha's Strip Me CD needs to send scans ASAP. Thx

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