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Everything posted by PrettyBitch

  1. lame https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QqY_21rV3bE
  2. link me to the many posts you make there pls
  3. The n00d slut/prostitutes thread.
  4. there's another thread for this h0e
  5. that looks cheap af omfg Utada first love 15th anniversary box set pls. Classy af. Or the Delirium limited LP box set...
  6. It was sarcasm.
  7. Sorry, this bitch is too good for that thread, obvi.
  8. Bitch hoqdafuq old are you?6? My picture I did post was not overexposed xoxo It was perfectly lit #EasyBreezyBeautiful
  9. I don't understand why people are always like "it leaked." Like bitch, GL finding it even though those Florrie songs leaked
  10. It sucked that it was "SHE'S RACIST" promo tho. Like bitch she had all Japanese ppl direct the video
  11. Whatever, when Miley Cyrus' shittiest songs are your favs, we know all your taste is in your mouth. Florrie & Avril are both on Epic. COLLAB pls.
  12. Bitch stfu Hello Kitty is amazing, but it didn't fit with the album
  13. Can we please retitle this thread to "Overexposed Selfies Of You That Hide Your Facial Structure and Possibly Make You Look 1000% 'Mo Bettah." thx.
  14. I don't know why people like Adele so much. I mean I love her voice, her music is good, but it's not the kind of music (most tracks at least) that you can hear over and over and not be sick of years later. I'm totally done with 21 & 25, it's been forever since I've listened to either. Only song I keep going back to is River Lea.
  15. Can we pls get a dislike button or :willam:
  16. Confetti VS Avril Lavigne's Dancing Crazy
  17. Wtf is this song even called? My guesses - Fever I'm Catching Feelings Catching Feelings
  18. Something being creepy doesn't mean it has to be scary. Learn the distinction pls. Thx. bai
  19. I'm listening to the clip on repeat.
  20. What song is this? I want it. Trade me somebody ;^; the grooviness makes me wet.
  21. Have your eyes fucking checked
  22. You've already seen thoz wtf?
  23. So many bad ph0t0s on this page. EHMGEE. My eyes. Why do I click this page ever?
  24. Michi, Hanataba wo Kimi Ni, Ore no Kanojo, Tomodachi, Kouya no Ookamia, and Sakura Nagashi. She actually hits a full on C#3's on this album T_T Not even in backing vocals. One in Hanataba wo Kimi Ni right in the beginning on the "ya" in "yakusoku shita", and the last "road" that's lower in Michi trails off to a C#3.
  25. Shhh. I edited my post. Hidden lyrixxx. She's a contralto, so her head voice is disconnected. That's why her high notes are labored. It's honestly impressive she can even hit those notes, considering she can support & project notes down to C#3
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