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Everything posted by PrettyBitch

  1. Message me you cow xoxo. I have unreleased NB. 

  2. It's not my fault that you don't know the first definition of to deny. Please kys.
  3. verb past tense: denied; past participle: denied 1. state that one refuses to admit the truth or existence of.
  4. This list is mostly a giant embarrassment...
  5. I got tickets for when hell freezes over.
  6. That moment when a random hoe quotes a post that's almost 4 years old by someone who isn't even on this site anymore.
  7. LMAO. I was half-joking, Britney.
  8. No1 wants Glory unless it has your glorious nudes hidden inside of it, Britney.
  9. Y? Bcs I exposed you on PHF, Britney? Send me Mood Ring vocal session/pro tools/multitrack inb4 I expose you worldwide -- THIS JUST IN: Britney Spears is really a tranny Polish boy who lurks around on seedy websites like pophatesflops.
  10. When you google somebody and it thinks you're Britney Spears. Send me stems if you're Britney. https://www.google.com/search?tbs=sbi:AMhZZiuUvWar6RhITJiAQmCWsJ1uLXnJ8Y489vr75gIAtxgyJ23s3cDFnwRFgYDP5D3OGFc0S5GGHJQcHthuGGBtdmtfQdQBDFPGXlq0TC28uRDX6Wso_1HsYF6BTY7ZbJJ7ptPms97eaFZCJJZcMVCKcrMTrYBVtesG8D29cTnnS6RSM2vP6naHiOV2Yhg3Wc6bviP8CtO32sTF4PDJ32Ab5u7IwvuYT2tziU6rz9zNYwnIdMu5YPlHbvxdExsWYgzig16b4yGGbGEx-ubXir6HGlloEzSp8q0I013Q1r3UsSTLsvSRrT7EyFnA9SPcvJvwCmWQ7OamXTGAb93xnjaLBufjhNkpxHHXLEVxEVB_1tGMVO5RU3Pws84vvMIrtR081RuwoJ1pxMmVauENv1BDvtApI0O3Qb91jVb2EqH9LNnZt-CSXepKk_10-gEVduDlOMjQaSpd8CPINDADDZja3bA7TjwsTgzOpP21pkzIC8F1lxczj84J6AjQYmOWZrREqf4DdQwTaTPCbdvZOnjuuh5I-yBU_1bH7444DCakKeYfO_1sCR27V2aQ0bGGG0pZOlxU2dUKg5DQQdvrYFcSuleOiUxZ9f9dud8VL-39duuvvvgWBSdBzXumu6gRFigsk00pFfuwyxqD862RVsN6lx0ewl4bX8PUyOd5NvgcEtMqztobgFYovosvcp5Asq_1_1DmFRxHhfyBFBtEHfq6W3uknps-XvE9650mz6iby60_1cYbIGRmZjYI6Db8LLC9sdanCb1VHb7YuQ4HyhQ0sujOZydFbHhhgFNWxEnE8pX2ujyzhQ6JUD-Ezn-0P5ZcetvORFJfVE-sa1jvKCDryFhgE6Bqq4SNbylF5zw6hLBVKi_1giCW3tyNfIKFToOsU6dhFgH2vlzeU3wra6DhNEjVwPnwJV0TZHj1KNc1VjbaXB2LWGsqwCeOhJBrPiYuSzMf4wWN7pA37TI653vWlsMyxwzq1iDIzfJqWoOaNkgQiN71UyzzKINKg6yLkEIVMHpvtKUQoH4jWwuu7tHi8uyWmaUB8T7qCXjAJVdrU-E0V0ababxbnNn_1OuD16fpMsTYpZhoQ4CpoJ91j7vlLdzENlQrgnrf-5z7gJgeYm8LLSvKr9ruMhY4S4pOuyjZxpFam3pudw7vv5NaDcuZMa14EhnVLFHj43w9qIJtc42Me5cx4yCWl6TU2vsIgf6szHyoBppNe0Ub7_1wn3lkh3HyoDPMLc9DR6jUGYfyvuxUIVIYZ0Zlp5nVIc1kN6Kupg-YoZbCEUgRXZD3WE1l0kszPf_1n3rxB_1DeAhaYq0Kti5XkAtA9ErCGFbNEKhSp04AGdv3DkzKsdVf42quP4HGDM3aXQYWHtEJeXlPKPRPxkEqnVg5dnaM7YfEwVmLT5KCSiV3wwSFP128Mik04RgThrasWBXZzo4lLkzudBI1Rhf8zoqoU8EM0P6IzxCqXAiEZyhc8pXvMwbWpqggGk2ADdTglvDOlNOZxzBdw1BzCq5Vj4UaL9R6bMwPTQXOxgykBY4Pj1VRkaKeBpNPddJ_1chTDABUSzHsmse_1sO0-kRaRK2r5KeOlqCe_1ydYydbFU17kAqMeiutz1IjKnuhY9TCyNQbdZOFU25Dq49smWDeV0ckSC-niSlW06F6S_1gVp6NwicZoxWZCUckliwu6agrV4ETV4XQzkyTuhRWbcg
  11. At least she's not having a total meltdown like she does sometimes.
  12. I disagree. I actually think that's pretty rude that they're using her name to brand things, then refusing to even speak to her? Racist, no, but still a pretty shitty thing to do.
  13. @BlackoutZone Tweenwh0re informed me my brand of humor goes unnoticed by most people and comes off as rude xoxo #WillamLovesYou. So, sorry-not-sorry.
  14. We don't need little Beyoncefails in this world.
  15. I don't know why people want to visit your country tbh. I would probably end up having a heart attack or killing myself to escape. Not even exaggerating. Too many fucked up plants and creatures. I should honestly just live in a clean room... I don't know why refugees would want to come there either #inappropriatehumorplsdontkillme
  16. Isn't Australia's population like all huddled together, and then there's practically nothing xD? Oh my God at google and your 24 million people :willam: (pretend it's real, bitch) And I thought America was super-selfish about keeping all this free land to itself lel My new line can now be at least we are better than Australia ((but not really, gag)) Maybe at least we don't have fuqqed up spiders?
  17. Are you still tho? I don't get why people say racist for things that happened in the past e.e
  18. No guro pls./
  19. r00d what is this supposed to mean? </3
  20. Daddy??? ew wtf. But no, I can fry down to F#1, whistle/scream C8. Modal & falsetto from Eb2 - D6. http://picosong.com/rfnS/you wish you could 0:22-0:40
  21. I'm not obsessed. Range /=/ talent. I just do it because it's fun, & I'm weird xoxo (If range was talent I would be one of the most talented singers ever with my F#1 - C8 range kthx)
  22. The Veronicas Vocal Range: C3-E6-E♭7 Voice Type:Sopranos Significant High Notes: E(b)7 ("Mother Mother" live) C♯7 ("Take Me On The Floor") B6 ("Mother Mother" live) B♭6 ("Good Times", "Mother Mother" live Revenge is Sweeter Tour DVD", "Take Me on The Floor" various lives) A6 ("Mother Mother" various lives) G♯6 ("Take Me on The Floor" various lives) G6 ("Good Times") F♯6 ("Rock You Like A Hurricane", "Take Me On The Floor") F6 ("Revolution" live) E6 ("Revenge Is Sweeter (Than You Ever Were)" live Revenge is Sweeter Tour DVD, "Take Me on The Floor" various lives) C♯6 ("Back To Life") B5 ("Rock You Like A Hurricane") B♭5 ("Back To Life") G♯5 ("Revolution", "Rock You Like A Hurricane") G5 ("Maybe", "More Like Me", "Wrong") F♯5 ("101", "All About Us", "Back To Life", "Show Time", "This Is How It Feels") F5 ("Alive", "Did Ya Think", "Don't Say Goodbye", "Hollywood", "I Don't Wanna Wait", "Lolita", "Mad Love", "Make It Hot", "Mouth Shut", "Rock You Like A Hurricane", "This Is How It Feels", "This Love", "Till I Say It's Over", "Without Love") E5 ("Alive", "All About Us", "All I Think About Is", "Army of One", "Cruel", "Everything", "Fall So Hard", "I Don't Wanna Wait", "In Love Again", "Maybe", "More Like Me", "Mother Mother", "Mouth Shut", "Untouched", "Revenge Is Sweeter (Than You Ever Were)", "Revolution", "Rock You Like A Hurricane", "Secret", "Show Time", "Spirits And Sin", "Wild Side", "Without Love", "Wrong", "You And Me") E♭5 ("4ever", "4ever (2009)", "All I Have", "Back To Life", "Change the World", "Cold", "Did You Miss Me (I'm A Veronica)", "Don't Say Goodbye", "Everything", "Everything I'm Not", "Free", "Hollywood", "If You Love Someone", "In Another Life", "Lolita", "Make It Hot", "Mother Mother", "Nobody Wins", "Rock You Like A Hurricane", "Speechless", "Teenage Millionaire", "This Is How It Feels", "This Love", "Till I Say It's Over", "To Know Him", "Wild Side") D5 ("Alive", "All About Us", "All I Have", "Born Bob Dylan", "Cross My Heart", "Cruel", "Everything", "Everything I'm Not", "Faded", "Fall So Hard", "Goodbye to You", "Good Times", "Heavily Broken", "I Don't Wanna Wait", "If You Love Someone", "In Love Again", "Insomnia", "Leave Me Alone", "Lolita", "Make It Hot", "Maybe", "More Like Me", "Mouth Shut", "On Your Side", "Someone Wake Me Up", "Stutter", "Take Me Home", "Take Me On The Floor", "Thinking It Over", "Us Against The World", "What Are You Gonna Do", "Without Love", "Worlds Apart", "Wrong", "You And Me") C♯5 ("Always", "Back To Life", "Change the World", "Faded", "Goodbye to You", "Good Times", "Hollywood", "I Can't Stay Away", "I Could Get Used To This", "In Another Life", "In My Blood", "Leave Me Alone", "Left Waiting", "Nobody Wins", "Revenge Is Sweeter (Than You Ever Were)", "Revolution", "Runaways", "Secret", "Shallow", "Show Time", "Speechless", "Teenage Millionaire", "This Is How It Feels", "Thinking It Over", "This Love", "Till I Say It's Over", "Untouched", "What Are You Gonna Do", "Wild Side", "You And Me") C5 ("4ever", "4ever (2009)", "Alive", "All About Us", "All I Think About Is", "Always", "Army of One", "Born Bob Dylan", "Cruel", "Did Ya Think", "Did You Miss Me (I'm A Veronica)", "Don't Say Goodbye", "In Love Again", "Everything", "Everything I'm Not", "Free", "Heavily Broken", "Hollywood", "Hook Me Up", "I Don't Wanna Wait", "If You Love Someone", "In My Blood", "Let Me Out", "Mad Love", "Make It Hot", "Mouth Shut", "Nobody Wins", "On Your Side", "Popular", "Rock You Like A Hurricane", "Someone Wake Me Up", "Spirits And Sin", "Stutter", "Take Me Home", "Take Me On The Floor", "This Is How It Feels", "This Love", "Till I Say It's Over", "Us Against The World", "When It All Falls Apart", "Without Love", "Worlds Apart", "Wrong") Significant Low Notes: A3 ("Alive", "All About Us", "All I Think About Is", "Army of One", "Born Bob Dylan", "Cold", "Cruel", "Dead Cool", "Did Ya Think", "Did You Miss Me (I'm A Veronica)", "Everything I'm Not", "Faded", "Goodbye to You", "Heavily Broken", "Hook Me Up", "How Long", "In Love Again", "Everything", "Fall So Hard", "Free", "I Could Get Used To This", "In Another Life", "Insomnia", "Leave Me Alone", "Left Waiting", "Let Me Out", "Mad Love", "Make It Hot", "Maybe", "More Like Me", "Mother Mother", "Mouth Shut", "On Your Side", "Revenge Is Sweeter (Than You Ever Were)", "Revolution", "Runaways", "Shallow", "Show Time", "Someone Wake Me Up", "Spirits And Sin", "Stutter", "Take Me Home", "Take Me On The Floor", "Teenage Millionaire", "Thinking It Over", "Till I Say It's Over", "Untouched", "What Are You Gonna Do", "Without Love", "Worlds Apart", "Wrong", "You And Me", "You Ruin Me") G♯3 ("101", "4ever", "4ever (2009)", "Always", "Back To Life", "Cold", "Dead Cool", "Don't Say Goodbye", "Free", "Good Times", "Go Your Own Way", "Hollywood", "I Can't Stay Away", "I Could Get Used To This", "If You Love Someone", "In Another Life", "Insomnia", "Left Waiting", "Lolita", "Nobody Wins", "Revolution", "Show Time", "Speechless", "Teenage Millionaire", "This Love", "Till I Say It's Over, "To Know Him", "Untouched", "When It All Falls Apart", "Wild Side") G3 ("All About Us", "All I Think About Is", "Army of One", "Born Bob Dylan", "Broken", "Cold", "Cruel", "Did Ya Think", "Did You Miss Me (I'm A Veronica)", "Everything I'm Not", "Heavily Broken", "Hook Me Up", "Let Me Out", "Lolita", "Mad Love", "Make It Hot", "Maybe", "More Like Me", "Mouth Shut", "On Your Side", "Someone Wake Me Up", "Spirits And Sin", "Take Me On The Floor", "Thinking It Over", "This Love", "Without Love", "Worlds Apart", "You Ruin Me") F♯3 ("All I Think About Is", "Back To Life", "Born Bob Dylan", "Cruel", "Dead Cool", "Did Ya Think", "Did You Miss Me (I'm A Veronica)", "Good Times", "I Can't Stay Away", "In Another Life", "Left Waiting", "More Like Me", "Nobody Wins", "Secret", "Show Time", "Speechless", "Till I Say It's Over, "What Are You Gonna Do") F3 ("Cold", "Did Ya Think", "Don't Say Goodbye", "Everything I'm Not", "Free", "Hollywood", "Hook Me Up", "If You Love Someone", "Left Waiting", "Lolita", "Make It Hot", "Mouth Shut", "On Your Side", "This Is How It Feels", "Without Love") E3 ("All I Think About Is", "Born Bob Dylan") E♭3 ("I Can't Stay Away", "If You Love Someone") C3 ("Did You Miss Me (I'm A Veronica)") ....................................... Blue marks falsetto notes. Bold marks notes that are extremely notable. Green indicates notes that are extremely distorted/screamed. Grey indicates fried notes. Italics mark non-melodic notes. Underlines indicate that the note is in the background vocals, harmonies, or is otherwise obscured. Some notes appear to be underlined, but they are just links. Pay attention. Most green notes are pitched at their dominant harmonic, and not at their fundamental; I am counting the screams as a form of overtone/throat singing. The E6 in Revenge is Sweeter is the highest sustained fundamental note. The only counted vocal fries are the ones in DYMM, because they are consistent in pitch, tone, and repeated throughout the verse. All bolded and green notes are clickable links to the said note. All notes E3 and below and Bb5 and above are clickable as well. I would like to thank @Countess for not banning me for sometimes being a total cunt xoxo I sincerely appreciate the freedom of speech here. (:
  23. 1 octave wonder. Lily Allen says hi.
  24. the directors are Japanese, dumb hoe
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