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Everything posted by jlnsgr

  1. ANTI is messy as fuck the way it came out... not one of the best but it could have been good thats for sure
  2. I'm getting high on humans

  3. Wtf with the premium accounts? Why am I not premium yet? @Countess


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      :cackle: He has that because he paid to get a green username. Anyone can do it if they have the cash. :wink: 

    3. jlnsgr


      Can I pay with nudes? :mo: 

    4. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      @jlnsgr I would pay not to see your nudes... :wink::hottie: 

  4. Kesha is about to become my favorite Woman again! You go girl!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      I really hope they let her put it out, I'd love to hear new music from her! :( 

    3. jlnsgr


      It's happening. Sony let go of Dr Rapist and today he dropped his lawsuit against Kesha's mother Pebe

    4. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      YAS! :hail: They must have given that bitch a good fucking payout! I'm so glad this whole era is finally over, I'm excited for Kesha to come back to doing what she does best. <3 

  5. I made one but you need to make 100 posts to have access to it
  7. Is it possible to have this album cover?
  8. That interviewer is so fake I just want to punch her face. Glad to see she is back to "normal" mode. Her body is definitely changed but who cares as long as she is mentally feeling better? Not me. I wish her the best in the future. There's something I like about you girl
  9. It better be staged because over wise I hate that guy... I'd die to hug her
  10. You need to put a public link. This one is just for you
  11. BOUHOU #ShameTime
  12. Some people are fucked up. And of course they end up being the ones I'm dating. #BadKarma #LeaveMeAlone #ForgetAboutTheMoneyYouOwnedMeBitch

  13. tba
  14. Karmin's Amy solo side project Tracklist: Gucci Busta Rhymes Zombie Wild Til We Get By

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Tweener


      WAIT! Is @Countess the 1000th reincarnation of Posh? :wut:

    3. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      @Tweener I'll never tell... :wink: 

    4. jlnsgr


      I'm just being thankful. Just take it as it is, ungrateful bitches! <3

  16. Can you please ban this peasant, @Countess? REVENGE GET THAT PROMO
  17. Troye is slaying. Back off haters!
  18. The Servant* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aAtlBM9iK_U
  19. tba
  20. I would like to deeply thank @Tweener because he recently helped me to go through some tough shit and decisions in my life and he still is.

    Someone once told me "you know who your real friends are when you have a problem" and I couldn't agree more with that person. To this day, we might have never met in person but what you did for me makes you special to my mind.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Speedy


      @Tweener You have a pure heart and I love you <3 

    3. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      @Tweener sucks...I lent him $2 once and he still hasn't repaid it. I hate him. :disgusted: 

    4. Third Eye

      Third Eye

      Shooketh at Countess statement

  21. pretty much but all that matters to me is the fact her music is good, even getting better. COLLXtTION II is really good!
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