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Everything posted by jlnsgr

  1. Azealia Banks, even though some of her songs are good is a fucked up bitch. Please let her die in our silence like we should do with people like Trump. The less you talk about them, the better the world get

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Hawks


      her music is great and that's all I have to say about this

    3. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      Should we actually ban all talk of Azealia from PHF tho? :morning: 

    4. jlnsgr


      Yes please

  2. #StopTheHate @Countess, I do
  3. Grimes scrapped album.. I have to say that even if she doesn't have a very powerful voice, her music is hypnotic. I'm in love with Art Angels and can't wait to hear Art Angels: Part II
  4. Wow sounds like you got a great night, @Zach. I'm not really a fan of big venues but when you can be up front it definitely feels better than being miles from the stage.
  5. What I would like you to do with this thread is that every one of you post one picture of a concert you have taken and share your experience with us. Without forgetting to mention some info like the artist, date, city and venue for example. I challenge you @Cypher
  6. I do! Who's the HOTTEST member? I have some personal suggestions
  7. It would be nice if we could make a new poll every week on a special day
  8. KARMIN KESHA Utopia alike cover made a long time ago NATALIA KILLS KATY B Others PS: I like it simple. I don't really like over-retouched covers. Sorry about that
  9. So @Tweener just told me I'm apparently MOTM. I don't know what to say but I feel like Scarlett Johansoon right now! Thank you <3 


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dayfid


      Congrats :P

    3. jlnsgr


      Thank you sexy :phone:

    4. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      Congratulations my baby, you deserved it! <3 Thank you for being a part of our community and for all the amazing things you do. :hail: 

  10. na
  11. na
  12. Download
  13. jlnsgr


    More than you can wish for
  14. jlnsgr


    Kids? I'm sure I'm older than you are, kid That's kind of tempting actually. Are you drunk often? What do you get from this one then? If you are listening to unreleased songs, I'm up for it!
  15. I know that I will probably be hated by some of you who think that this app is lame but I was wondering if some of you were on there? Share your usernames if us if you want! Mine is jlnsgr
  16. Come on he is good! Listen to his most recent work it's really good!
  17. na
  18. na
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