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Everything posted by jlnsgr

  1. They better not... The reason why it flopped is pretty obvious. No promo or radio plays so.. Now or later it will be the same. Release it and pray that it is good enough so people talk about it and give her free promo
  2. Those pictures bother me
  3. New rumoured release date: June 24th
  4. I'll trade my sister's dog for a hug. Do we have a deal?

    1. Dayfid


      Just a hug?

    2. jlnsgr


      I don't know. More maybe?

    3. Dayfid


      Come over. :mo:

  5. Fuck I need to change the tracklist order of ANTI or I'm never going to listen to it ever again..

  6. This world.. it will never get any better as long as people won't be ready to change their way of living in the fear of others and won't get rid of this stupid amendment made ages ago in a complete different time and situation.
  7. BBM Baby and Ruby Tuesday
  8. Shitty weather, shitty mood. Welcome to my world

    1. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      It's bad weather here too. :'( It literally rained all day and was dark by like 3pm. :stretcher: 

  9. Emptiness

    1. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      Is everything okay love? <3 

    2. jlnsgr


      @Countess Eventually, it will <3 

    3. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      @Gone Boy We're always here if you need to talk babe. <3 

  10. I feel like this is none of our business. Regardless of them being celebrities, I feel like this should not be up for discussion whether or not she was assaulted. This is the court job to judge on that.
  11. Is it possible to switch the chatbox and the News box on the main page? To be honest, I feel like this News box is taking too much space. New articles aren't coming daily so it would be good if it could be at least minimised Ö PS: any news on the pool box? I have tons of ideas for it
  12. Could you fix the notifications issue. I don't seem to get all of them And also there's a problem with the chat, at least on Safari. Sometimes I can't resize it, I don't know why.
  13. I think it's the snapchat filter who does that
  14. My Lana Collection. Sorry but I prefer to show the whole thing haha
  15. na
  16. MY NUMBER TWO FAVORITE SHOW EVER You're sexy and have good tastes. I keep you!
  17. A couple years back haha
  19. Aren't we all? You both are super cute though
  20. Kind of.. @Tweener won't ever call me hot anymore
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