Some of you seem to have some problems with ripping stuff and how it works so I'm going to try to explain to you how to rip stuff off pretty much everything and everywhere (audio only).
If some of you would like to rip stuff from Soundcloud, the best thing to use in my opinion is Soundcloud Downloader (SCD).
It allows you to get the file (in 128 kbps) without having to listen to the file to rip it.
If you want to rip stuff off Spotify, Chrome, Safari, iTunes Music and pretty much everything, the best software to do so is a software called Audio Hijack.
It lets you choose the source of the audio but also add details to the file even before you started to rip it such as Artist, Song title, Cover, etc... You can also choose the format and quality in which you want to rip it to match the most the audio source.
Those two software are in my opinion really easy to use and also what's best online to do what they are doing. If you want "more info", you can contact me