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Everything posted by jlnsgr

  1. She will release her debut album but not until 2018. Or maybe 2019. We'll see how it goes
  2. Ew.
  3. Fair enough
  4. That's why we need a way to know who is who haha. I don't even know who I hate or love on here anymore!
  5. @Countess An idea I just had: It would be very cool if it was possible to see on our profile our previous usernames or something like that! (previously known as...)
  6. It is an edited version so ae you sure it is V2?
  7. I added the links in the first post!
  8. QUEEN UTADA. Her last album Fantôme is AWESOME. I was kind of afraid but Utada never disappoint me
  9. Kind of tempted to relabel The Pussycat Dolls as Nicole Scherzinger and her dancers on my iTunes Library. Should I?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. jlnsgr


      Jessica who? :rofl:

    3. Speedy
    4. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      Melody and her iconic screaching are judging you for this. :dealwithit:

  10. I don't agree with most of the chosen albums. Bye
  11. I'm tired of those fakes. Can those people go fuck themselves at one point?
  12. There is no snippet for that?
  13. Yeah it is fake. Now I can see it
  14. So it's fake? Thanks for telling me haha
  15. That's Playground (Another Lonely Day). It leaked in 320 kbps. I'm talking about this: http://picosong.com/UiNs
  16. You are referring to Ruby (Put Me In a Movie Demo). A completely different track
  17. I have a snippet which consist of a loop of Lana saying Ruby Tuesday
  18. Which one are you talking about? Do you have a link so I can see?
  19. Updating my first post
  20. Unleaked songs with available snippets BBM Baby (Version 1) BBM Baby (Version 2) http://picosong.com/deS5/ Be My Daddy (Final) http://picosong.com/deJB/ Be My Daddy (Outtake) Brite Lite (Version 2) C U L8R Alligator (?) Diet Mountain Dew Baby (Demo 4) Every Man Gets His Wish (Version 2) http://picosong.com/deSq/ Fine China http://picosong.com/deSs/ Girl That Got Away (Demo) Girl That Got Away (Stems) My Song 57 National Anthem (I Want It All Demo) National Anthem (I Want Things That Love Can't Buy Demo) Summertime Sadness (Demo 2/Mix 4) Yes to Heaven (Version 1) Yes to Heaven (Version 2) Young & Beautiful (Demo 2) Your Girl Last update: December 26th, 2016
  21. Actually it's pronounced TAssssssssssss
  22. Well we can't
  23. Try again
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