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Everything posted by Cherish

  1. Cherish


    so they pulled her album because it leaked.... uh huh. what a stupid excuse.
  2. Cherish


    I don't have a scanner, so I couldn't get one but I do have the Advance CD.
  3. Serves. The standard cover being the best imo
  4. Cherish


    Does anyone need The Electrick Hotel in real lossless?
  5. I'm not the biggest fan but she missed a great oppurtunity to use a textless cover. Her first album cover is beautiful, but the text is horrendous. I decided to make a textless & regular cover. Click through for a 1425x version.
  6. Cherish


    Gurl, no! I switched back to my regular computer, lol. My keyboard is messed up on my laptop. I use a crappy desktop as my main computer. You can check my devices, sis!
  7. Do you have this textless? I hate the official font and think it would look amazing textless.
  8. Cherish


    https://www41.zippyshare.com/v/ccADoyHC/file.html There you go!
  9. Cherish


    i hve higher, ill uplod soon, just pm me tomorrow. its not lossless, its good though
  10. Cherish


    wht is the qulity u hve. forgive me im on keyord where the b & a died (HD 2 use onscreen keyboard 4 that)
  11. Thanks! It's not easy. I use Adobe Photoshop CS5, which is not free, but easy to obtain illegally. It's all about having patience and a lot of trial and error.
  12. Just two covers I made recently! The Dignity one I can no longer edit sadly
  13. Fun fact: Boyfriend Material transitions PERFECTLY into Bubblegum Boy.
  14. LMAO, they don't care.
  15. Absolutely beautiful. Not a fan of the album, but I love it! This one is actually the Japanese edition cover! Yours is just a bit different, but I prefer yours.
  16. Did not notice some flaws.
  17. You're totally fine, thanks!
  18. Don't tell me she was gonna use the Slim Thug remix as the original With Love.... please.... Also, is Dignity + Metamorphosis Outtakes empty on purpose?
  19. Awww thanks! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1sFbQo1oGrioeSv5MpzIamA5lEA2uXS78/view?usp=sharing Here's something new, I've been obessed with Ashnikko recently and this is such an amazing EP. It's a bit simplistic but I love it. It's a digital booklet I made of her EP, Unlikeable, which I HIGHLY RECOMMEND to everyone reading! Especially No Brainer.
  20. Well thank you! I attempted a cover for Lindsay Lohan's Xanax because I desperately need one but I don't like it as artwork in the end but I don't want it to go to waste so I'm posting it here. So excited for Back to Me! Click through for 1500x of course. If you want untagged, just ask
  21. I love this. I'd love to see you make this into a pdf
  22. Absolutely perfect. Using this for my iTunes. 1000x better than the official cover.
  23. Cherish


    Not with that kind of reputation bb
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