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Everything posted by Obsessed

  2. that's so sweet love
  3. Loooove the DEMOS cover
  4. Ok guys so I was just on tumblr looking for snippets & stuff by WDBCF (melanie martinez unrealised) and I saw this.... http://grafixation.tumblr.com/post/131936752350 ....I don't know what to say.
  5. Honestly I think is real guys, the producer said she was praticing the song in this (ignore the title of the vid, not real ver. without auto tune) and the "not alone not alone not alone" sounds SO different 1:08 it's def Myah Marie and body ache is 100% myah marie singing, like.. all the song
  6. I wanna hear Cinderella
  7. Wish I had all of her songs.
  8. Love it!
  9. not really I mean I don't wanna live with a beautiful girl but a lame personality
  10. I'm not even sleeping, I need this ep right now. Matilda saved my life.
  11. what a fucking mess i want a new duet from those bitches
  12. Happy birthday Teddy! Don't make a 20 year old cry.

  13. britney spears real voice and not myah marie
  14. POP music please
  15. PERFECT!
  16. I have to say that I ship Coutness and trayertrash! Hope they get married.
  17. Here? I still can't see the megaposts...
  18. 1. Neon Hitch - Beg Borrow & Steal 1. Lady Gaga - TBA 2. Katy Perry - TBA 3. Britney Spears - TBA 4. Gwen Stefani - This is What the Truth Feels like 5. Fergie Double Doutchess
  19. I'm glad Lady Gaga is coming back this year with a pop album!
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