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Cruel Youth

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Everything posted by Cruel Youth

  1. I wondering if I should leak a rough demo of a song I wrote for my album? <3 

    Eh, who cares: http://picosong.com/ApLS/ 


    Here's the lyrics:

    Crystal candy makes me jump off rooftops,

    You always smash my head into the blacktop,

    I'll make your beer always taste like teardrops,

    Cause when you blow smoke at me, I can't stop,

    Suicide is shit compared to your tragic habits,

    Especially when you party with that method acid,

    Even though the fact we're gonna die is vapid,

    We don't mind making love in a casket.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cruel Youth

      Cruel Youth

      That's why it was a demo boo <3 @LBBH

    3. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      This is terrifying. :stretcher: It should be the official soundtrack to those creepy puppets.

    4. Cruel Youth

      Cruel Youth

      I know! The final version is much more prettier and meaningful, but this demo sounds like a tim burton film lol. @Countess

  2. Legit me and my friends at 4:00 am. thats when shit gets weird.
  3. I would grab everything and trade dat shit like wildfire. Or I'd just hoard it like Teddy.
  4. does anybody know how to find dennisexclusivebaby tracks?

  5. um...can you please have a threesome with me and @LBBH like immeaditley?! #mancandy #justorgasmed that gif looks like you when you deepthroat satan
  6. but your smile lights up my world.
  7. Stranger leaked a long time ago: http://vk.com/nataliakills?w=wall-12757868_11303
  8. UGHHHHHHHHHHHH someone needs to leak or trade me 'Round and Round' by Charli.


  9. Damn, you're actually really cute. At least our vaginas don't have teeth.
  10. OMG you haven't pm'ed me in forever!


  12. Just realized that the snippet of the kiss it better demo I posted is all over the internet. omg this is what it's like to leak something.

    1. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      Ready for you to leak the full version with obnoxious "This is a BGD exclusive, baby" tags all over it. :popcorn: 

    2. Cruel Youth

      Cruel Youth


  13. Just had a wonderful trade with @Cypher !

    1. Cypher


      Likewise! <3 

  14. Same @LBBH is fucking amazing.
  15. It's okay boo. Teddy's just on his period. #MaxipadsForTeddy Jk I get you and I don't mean to be rude @Not Teddy Sinclair (it was a joke) but you really need to own up to what you did to @LBBH. He's one of the friendliest people I've met on this forum. He cared about you and looked out for you, now you need to do the same. And @Not Teddy Sinclair , it's not too late to apologize! You can end this by just owning up to what you did and apologizing! You and @LBBH can become a team again, and this feud can all be over. He's not asking you to leak or trade the tracks, just to own up to what you did. You made a promise you didn't keep, and people make mistakes. You have LBBH who's a friend that cared and still cares about you, don't be afraid of him, okay?
  16. So, 2 days ago on soundcloud THEFLYCAT uploaded a studio cover of "Pieces" by Melanie. This cover was already leaked but this is the studio version. Listen here :
  17. What do you guys think of this Trouble artwork I made?


    1. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      I think the photo of her is a little too LQ, but other than that it's great!

  18. Bitch, where?


  19. When my mom keeps trying to tell me that Melanie's not my biological mother:


  20. When someone leaves halfway through a trade:


  21. When people ask me about my love life:


  22. tumblr_mirdmaLHni1rfgk20o1_500.gif 

    Y O U ' V E  J U S T  G O T  T O  F A K E  I T  .

  23. Well, @Countess is the fucking queen. @LBBH is my musical sugar daddy. @BITCH is well...a bad ass bitch (in a good way). ALL OF YOU FUGGIN SLAY!
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