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Cruel Youth

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Everything posted by Cruel Youth

  1. This bitch needs to get the fuck out and stop scamming people. @mermaidglimmer
  2. I believe we have a doppelganger in our midst! I am disgusted @Countess at how much you've slayed me and my husband Carlos @PERFECTIONIST

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      Shut your whore mouth. @PERFECTIONIST is married to me and we don't practise polygamy. :morning: 

    3. Cruel Youth

      Cruel Youth

      Bitch I will cut you. Get off my husbands dick and back to hell with the other plastic surgeon mishaps. He's my cinnamon churro delicious Mexican lover. @Countess

    4. Natalia Kills
  3. Oh, sorry Dennis!
  4. PREACH IT GIRL. @VisKip You should leak Jump Rope or Gold Diggin' Love, after all this time of @Not Teddy Sinclair hoarding that shit.
  6. Five words: Mow, The, Lawn, Untagged, Full @VisKip
  7. Omg someone should just make a thread listing all the people on here hoarding the Melanie songs lmao. OMFG DO IT CARLOS. I think that there should be like a little verified checkmark like on Twitter for people who have at least 100 reputation points and it can say 'verified' on their profile, that would slay my entire life.
  8. R.I.P. Natalia Boards
  9. Carlo's audition tape for Sean Cody that will get you pregnant:

    @PERFECTIONIST #StalkingCarlosCauseI'mBored <3 

    1. Natalia Kills
    2. Cruel Youth

      Cruel Youth

      Me and @Countess are still waiting for nudes. :vacuum: @PERFECTIONIST

    3. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      More like GuysinSweatPants tbh. :flush: 

  10. I'ma keep exposing you, but I still love you babe. <3;) 

  11. Honey, you and I should work on more covers together. The Mr. Watson one turned out beautiful.
  12. CARLO'S SECRET LIFE: https://mobile.twitter.com/CarlosJSRdgz #EXPOSED @Countess @Cypher I THOUGHT I KNEW YOU. :vacuum:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cypher



    3. Cruel Youth

      Cruel Youth

      OMFG I'M DYING :rofl: 



    4. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      Not you reading the fem shaming faggot on Grindr tho! :hail: When will your masc dom top fave?

  13. Goodbye, bubblegumdreamer. Hello, Mr.  Watson. ;) 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Cruel Youth

      Cruel Youth

      No, sorry, not really into Ke$ha flops and teacher-student affairs. It's after the Cruel Youth song. <3 @trayertrash

    3. trayertrash


      I'll have to check them out ;)

    4. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      The queen making ha comeback! :hail: :hail: :hail: 

  14. I feel like the fucking queen of fake demos. And it really sucks. I hate that people now think of me as that, and I really need to own up to my mistakes. So, to redeem myself, I've decided to do something I've never done before. 

    I've decided if any of you guys got traded the fake demos, just PM me and I'll give you any two tracks off my trade list, your choice, no charge :), I apologize and I'm really sorry for the trouble I've caused. Here's my trade list, so you guys can pick <3https://docs.google.com/document/d/1N3BNIQn41bmpCgrHqUh8a4E177H8U3BxKBY25gkbWlY/edit?pref=2&pli=1

    1. trizzy


      If you wanna stop trading people fake demos, maybe you should take them off your list too lol

    2. Cruel Youth

      Cruel Youth

      I did boo boo, don't worry <3;) @trizzy

    3. MarinaTheWorld


      I felt really suspicious... Glad you found out sooner than later because this could have gone on for months (yellow flicker beat demo situation) :stretcher:

  15. You mean from Fuller House?
  16. Happy Birthday, to the sweetest "straight" guy I've ever met. @Cypher <3 

  17. *tee hee* send me your trade list
  19. What about the acapella demos for Saturday Night and Marlboro Lights, please say yes?????????????????????????
  20. Oh, thanks for telling me! and would you happen to have it?
  21. If she's bringing "Natalia Kills" back with this song, I'm going to die.
  22. I decided to do a masterpost for all the demos for Trouble, just to help people who may need help organizing their collection. I'll be adding download links to the leaked demos later and put the unleaked ones in red. Hope this helps! 1. Problem (Demo 1) 2. Problem (Demo 2) 3. Stop Me (Demo) 4. Boys Don't Cry (Acapella Demo) 5. Saturday Night (Demo 1) 6. Saturday Night (Demo 2) 7. Saturday Night (Acapella Demo) 8. Outta Time (Demo) 9. Controversy (Demo) 10. Marlboro Lights (Demo 1) 11. Marlboro Lights (Demo 2) 12. Marlboro Lights (Acapella Demo) 13. Trouble (Demo)
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