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Cruel Youth

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Everything posted by Cruel Youth

  1. Well, we know Hatefuck's an actual song lol
  2. Make a Mr. Watson cover babe
  3. Wait @PERFECTIONIST is Legends the next single?
  4. Fetus Natalia is so cute <3 


  5. SLAYY BISHHHH Wait, why I am I still an Underground Artist and not a One Hit Wonder like @PERFECTIONIST?! @Countess
  6. I also made these ones <3;) 






  7. I just made these covers for Trouble. Which one is better? <3 






    Thanks! <3 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      I really like the first one as well! :hail: 

    3. Cruel Youth

      Cruel Youth

      Thanks babes <3 It means a lot, covershitia won't accept them. @PERFECTIONIST @Countess

    4. High Princess

      High Princess

      coverlandia is full of absolute SHIT. the first one is amazing, i love the twist you put on the original cover :)

  8. Thank god, something new. 


    1. low kii savage

      low kii savage

      The only song that I'm not into from Cry Baby :/ At least I hope that music video will be good! 

  9. <3<3<3 There should be a re-release of the Dollhouse EP featuring the two outtakes (Gold Diggin' Love, You Love I) that goes like this:

    1. Dollhouse

    2. Carousel

    3. Gold Diggin' Love

    4. Dead To Me

    5. You Love I

    6. Bittersweet Tragedy

  10. HOLY SHIT. IS THIS REAL? :shocked:


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Cruel Youth

      Cruel Youth

      Yeah you're right, it's available for preorder on iTunes in the UK: https://itunes.apple.com/gb/album/pity-party-ep/id1107236497 wtf mel...seriously?! @Hologram

    3. deleteduser


      I leaked it lol, look in the album thread 

    4. Cruel Youth

      Cruel Youth

      Thank god somebody did, make that bitch flopppp <3 @Hologram

  12. Someone should leak something today since it's Melanie's birthday. ;) @Not Teddy Sinclair @VisKip

    1. Show previous comments  22 more
    2. Marina Joyce

      Marina Joyce

      Violet Roses seems a CY song

    3. Natalia Kills

      Natalia Kills

      violet roses has been on BMI since PERF tho



    4. Cruel Youth

      Cruel Youth

      We need a thread made for the Perfectionist era. @PERFECTIONIST @Not Teddy Sinclair

  13. Throwback to when Natalia met that fake ass bitch Iggy. <3 @PERFECTIONIST


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cruel Youth
    3. Natalia Kills

      Natalia Kills

      that guy can top me any days or bottom for me

      i'm down for both

    4. Cruel Youth

      Cruel Youth

      Same. I'll join in. ;) @PERFECTIONIST

  14. Would anybody on here happen to have any any fanmade A*M*E covers for her unreleased?! Or a png transparent image of her logo?! <3:P 

  15. This is friggin beautiful, totally using this right now for my Lana collection.
  16. Legit, @Cypher is and always will be the nicest and most patient person I've ever traded with. <3 

    1. Cypher


      Aww thanks! tbh, you were a breeze to trade with, love your Natalia collection! <3 

    2. jlnsgr


      He is a sweetheart!

  17. Would anybody happen to know who the other guy singing with A*M*E on One Thousand? Thanks! <3:P 

    1. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      I think it might be the producer, Electric. ;) 

    2. Versace


      Or Platinum Ty ;)

    3. Cruel Youth
  18. Game Over and Ice Cream Truck by A*M*E are such bops. <3 <3 <3 

    1. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      Why is everyone getting into A*M*E five years later? :stretcher: 

    2. Versace
  19. Tough guys don't start fights in bars...

    c o m i n g   s o o n   f r o m  @PERFECTIONIST

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Natalia Kills

      Natalia Kills

      the song will be on hold for a while lol

    3. Cruel Youth

      Cruel Youth

      Haha ya'll better add me in the credits for the song lol @PERFECTIONIST

    4. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      I expect to be in the "Thank You" section. :morning: 

  20. Yeah and all the X-Factor Natalia episodes are on the Natalia VK page so just use that and make your own gif!
  21. So today, someone on SoundCloud leaked Natalia's demo of Kiss It Better (aka the the full version of the snippet I leaked), but it was pitched. Which, I think is ridiculous, if you're going to leak something, don't be a twat and pitch it. So, take it off your trade list because today @Mr. Watsonaka @bubblegumdreamer is leaking it UNPITCHED.

    You're welcome <3https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B25RyDUitCTrcXNfUC1iNVoxOVU/view?usp=sharing



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Natalia Kills

      Natalia Kills

      who tf leaked it ::::::::::::::{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{

    3. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      YAAASSSSS! :hail: Ngl, I thought this was fake. Glad to hear it's really Natalia singing! <3 

    4. Cruel Youth

      Cruel Youth

      It's a bubblegumdreamer exclusive baby. @Countess


  22. Here you go babe : I know its not the exact one but it's pretty close.
  23. But I thought you liked little boys.
  24. At least my pubes aren't in the shape of Susan Boyle's face hun.
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