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Natalia Kills

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Everything posted by Natalia Kills

  1. this thread is almost as problematic as my fave
  2. yes we do cause I don't like either and Miley's bb talk is a rip off of melanie
  3. girl it doesn't matter if Miley sales... she ripped off people and even Melanie
  5. 1) Nicola F and Boomkack were part of "Natalia's team" back in 2008 when they were trying to create her 2) gaga found out about Natalia through nicola 3) Germany's next top model performance is GENIUNELY "NATALIA KILLS" written all over it...
  6. aren't you a Melanie Martinez stan?
  7. well gaga did steal her Germany's next top model performance from flopga soo........
  8. sadly gaga cant find her own style
  9. this is the same thing we said with revival
  10. There is so much hate towards Godtalia Kills in this forum.. I pray that all of you see the light... I understand once you have listened to Lana del rey and you're now deaf.. but to the rest of you.. there is still hope.

  11. The New Theme has a bunch of glitches

    1. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      It's working so much better for me than the last one tbh. :stretcher: What's going wrong for you?

  12. if you leave.. if you go... I might as well be dead

  13. justice for Marlboro Lights yesterday I had a meltdown on twitter because of trouble
  14. flop Teddy Sinclair ft Verbalicious ft Natalia Kills ft verbz ft candy rapper - Don't stroke (my ego)
  15. FLOP Teddy Sinclair - STOP (COPYING ME) Ft. Lady Gaga
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