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Natalia Kills

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Everything posted by Natalia Kills

  1. only available in book stores i'm gonna go buy all 4 i'm hyped
  2. added a small portion of the article she talks about Madonna and Alicia keys if you want to read it full you'll have to buy the magazine
  3. flop @Cruel Youth ft @Countess - Hit Dat (Ban button)
  4. Small hit maybe bb #3 Nicki Minaj ft Verbalicious - Bad Bitches (No controversy)
  5. your fave is tired

  6. it doesn't matter you know why? she's double platinum on my itunes
  7. wommanequin was RELEASED on myspace so was don't play nice don't try it
  8. and she's still making money queen of never giving up
  9. sadly you aren't godtalia kills rich or famous and she only has one job... music
  10. her floppage can mean anything its a reverse warholian expedition
  11. Verbalicious perfectionist trouble soon coming to the EP.. please learn Natalia's discography she has over 200 songs released boo she doesn't need any to keep her fans happy her talent doesn't revolve around selling
  12. I know saying gaga copied is already tired since nobody checks for her
  13. No cause my fave doesn't need money to put out albums.. or a ghost writer like the Mexican Madonna selena
  14. some people don't give up on their dreams looks like you've given up on yours angelic queen!
  15. damn so money is what makes you? guess selena is trash $45 Million. Selena Gomez net worth Miley Cyrus’ net worth is $197 million. poor Selena Trashmez
  16. for a live audience like this it was... Natalia has never been on a BIG tour mostly 7 or less each tour and most time opening act with not a lot of people QUEENTALIA > MILEY'S TORE UP SELF
  17. thanks I had NEVER seen this! she slays! just checked the dates it was one of her first performances so she sounds nervous unlike miley who had already had lots of practice what's miley's excuse for her bad voice?
  18. I'll let Miley drag herself
  19. Because they can't stand that Godtalia slays their fave
  20. 41 replies... is this PHF most replied to thread?
  21. flop be original next time
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