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Natalia Kills

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Everything posted by Natalia Kills

  1. I guess the whole "album for feb 2017" she told me on tour Is scrapped http://babysallright.ticketfly.com/event/1401702-communion-cruel-youth-brooklyn/
  2. I'm still laughing so hard at when I met teddy and asked her to sing "hero" and she replied" can you sing it so I can remember it "in front of everyone ":shocked:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Natalia Kills

      Natalia Kills

      MESS! She literally said after " yeah ive been writing since my father was in jail" like I didn't know that

    3. Marina Joyce

      Marina Joyce

      Nnnm :stretcher: you should tell her to re-record Stranger

    4. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      Does a day go by where you don't make a status namedropping Teddy? :dealwithit:

  3. promised that i'd never leave me again

  4. watch it be called "Cry Land" or even worse CC "CRY CITY"
  5. pretty sure it's gonna be called Candy Land
  6. wow thatssss ssssome sssssserious ssssshit
  7. Her house is decorated by her late grandmother's furniture Willy paid to have it shipped It's their home, it's a 2 floor apartment the part she's showing is a living room with her grandmother's furniture and their studio. She's never shown the top floor aside from when she was NK these photos are from the second floor inside her closet (if I remember correctly) I don't remember what teddy interview she spoke a little bit about her home
  8. this video was recorded around the time Mr.Watson was released you can hear HATEFUCK being played in the background with a different tone

    1. Cruel Youth

      Cruel Youth

      Josh Tweener?? giphy-facebook_s.jpg

    2. Tweener


      I am not Josh xd

      But thx <3 Mariah is the queen. This is one of my favorite songs of hers, tho I prefer her old stuff. You should check her first 4 albums. They are sooooo good!

  10. I would like to apologize for being such a piece of shit to Tweener. He's a nice boy and I hope we can finish this messy conflict once for good.


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      Please keep in mind that due to PHF requirements all sponsored posts must be declared as paid advertising and we must receive a cut of all profit. Thank you! :magic: 

    3. Natalia Kills

      Natalia Kills

      lmfaoooo my account password is super easy to figure out :skull:

      I give tweener props for taking the time out of his life to hack me

      I have such dedicated fans

    4. Tweener
  11. Teddy Sinclair is officially a Grammy Nominated song writer! SLAY MAMA!!!!


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Tweener


      lol. Calm your tits. You're like those delusional Selenators claiming that Selena won a Grammy for being in the Bad Blood music video. Guyyyyz... You need help.

    3. Natalia Kills

      Natalia Kills


      This comment is hidden because you're ignoring Tweener

      I don't even have to see it to know

      it has something to do with teddy being a flop and me being delusional

      somehow him mentioning miley/ selena shade for no reason

      and some random Melanie Martinez shade

    4. Tweener


      You've been stalking my twitter! :magic: 

  12. 111 visits to my teddy forum in 24 hours?

    all I did was announce the tour and album :yikes:

  13. lets take a moment to appreciate this queen
  14. I'm BANNED on ATRL for calling someone ugly


    Not my fault they are

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Wild Things
    3. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      This status is giving me @Beautiful Mind teas... :stretcher: 

      I was banned from TeddyBoards for using the wrong stage name while talking about the queen. :'( 

    4. Natalia Kills

      Natalia Kills

      @Countess I will lift your ban when you accept my bipolar queen as a skinny legend

  15. I'm so sorry to hear that boo, I hope your sister doesn't terminate the pregnancy early because it could mean a miracle might happen but if she decides to terminate it at least she will spare any pain the baby might suffer we're all here for you boo
  16. Acid Annie can burn in the pits of hell.
  17. Kiiara defending Teddy from Lexy and then lexy backtracking and erasing everything is the funniest thing in the world

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      Kiiara and Teddy need to know their place...Natalia signed a deal with the devil and exchanged her good name for publicity so she can't expect anything but negativity coming her way after her disgusting actions. Whoever this Lexy girl is is in the right on this one tbh.

    3. Marina Joyce

      Marina Joyce

      #TeamTeddyKiiara if the bitch was so bothered she should speak back when they met, she said it herself it happened back when she was still Natalia, she want to talk shit years after, now that Gold blew up and Kiiara shows her love & support for Natalia. After all, she posted comment on kiiaras instagram not on Natalias.

    4. Natalia Kills

      Natalia Kills

      true, lexy should have said this during Xfactor, since her youtube is flopping she probably needs views

      They have this super weird friendship

      Kiiara was watching Teddy perform from a little room and was singing along and freaking out and when kiiara came on Teddy ran out and was jamming and jumping like a fan

      no wonder kiiara calls teddy her bestfriend

  18. I never saw the Born this way hate
  19. Got to meet Teddy take photos with her. She invited my to sound check the next day and spent an hour speaking to me about her music. I'm so grateful to have met her, she's so nice and called me beautiful. Glad I stan someone with such a big heart.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Speedy


      you are so lucky  and i'm jealous :vacuum:

    3. Natalia Kills

      Natalia Kills

      her manager spilled soooooooooooooo much tea to me

      just know we have ALOT of things coming from her soon

      and when I say a lot I mean A LOT

    4. Natalia Kills
  20. that forum back in 2011 was fun everyone was supportive
  21. yes but my fave Kerli & Belinda are doing nothing with their careers no one cares for above and beyonce news or Gareth and my ex fave flopga released a country album which I don't support and Melanie hasn't put out an album in forever so y'all are stuck with the only one putting out stuff
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