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Natalia Kills

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Everything posted by Natalia Kills

  2. FAD is shooting a music video
  3. http://www.billboard.com/articles/columns/pop/7655460/lady-gaga-avoid-politics-guests-super-bowl-halftime-show

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    1. --Out of Business--

      --Out of Business--

      Got a secret, can you keep it, swear this one you'll save

    2. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      If I share my secret, secret, ah ah,
      Promise you'll keep it, keep it now. :bop: 

  5. I think at this point I'm just trying to stan whoever releases music
  6. TBH her voice isn't anything special I just think she's beautiful and that's all I'm stanning for
  7. I promise not to post anything Natalia related until their next single if @Tweenersends me those instrumentals he has :sassy:

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    1. Tweener


      I really don't mind those Natalia threads anymore :mo: 

    2. Natalia Kills
  8. Teddy needs to work with a label again so her music leaks more

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  9. The song Kiss It better was registered first on BMI before Holy water.. I wonder if KIB was an NK song 18599391 KISS IT BETTER 19341532 HOLY WATER
  10. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/donald-trump-press-conference-folders-business-plan-empire-blank-fake-handover-donald-jr-eric-a7523426.html
  11. http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/313968-carson-no-extra-rights-for-gay-americans
  12. Why do stans make dumbass fake achievements like " First woman who was raised by one mom and a drug dealing dad to get a record label on day x of xxxx while doing lines of coke"

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    1. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      Don't shade your own fave like that! :cackle:

    2. Feral Heart

      Feral Heart

      first woman to name herself after what she'd do to her career

  13. Don't ever compare the queen of controversy to the queen of build a bear workshop! they don't even look alike but of course you little trumpsters would compare and put a white rich woman against a poc!
  14. post all rumors here if we get enough comments @Countess will make it into a section
  15. apparently tisdale got in contact with Belinda and now they're gonna start a song? a Belinda fansite tweeted it then erased it but now a twitter hashtag was started https://twitter.com/hashtag/BelindaFtAshleyTisdale?src=hash
  16. not a troll thread I hate long sentences I was already filled with 3 years of pushbacks with perfectionist
  17. Can we make a  "rumor" section for music @Countess?

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    1. Tweener


      I actually love this idea. The section for speculations would be cool!

    2. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      Make a thread for it and I'll pin it! If it gets enough replies then we can expand it into a full on section. ;) 

  18. I Don't like Dua's voice I always thought pink sung this song I like Bebe because she's glamorous and skinny a skinny legend no why?
  19. OMG y'all I finally got into bebe rexha and I love her! I'm gonna start stanning her gaga Is boring now and teddy isn't a popstar anymore shes an alternative quen so I found their replacement
  20. GIRL HER OUTFITS FROM TROUBLE were all by ASOS and asos is having a 70% sale right now her apartment is expensive as shit as far as I know most ny apartments are expensive anyways specially her having 2 floors to herself I just want more bad bitch, I love her music but she doesn't even do her hair anymore its just frizzy curls like I will buy her conditioner if she needs some
  21. I started watching it with my bf yesterday and i'm on episode 2 my mom finished it and loved it my sis did too
  22. I'm just getting tired of stanning tbh No performances no promo no bad bitch outfits everything about her Natalia kills persona is gone I love her and will always buy her music but idk if I can keep stanning
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